Hot Toys - MMS 295 - A New Hope: Sandtrooper 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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The fact is that HT's Sandtrooper is not only far more dimensionally accurate, but the fit and finish of the helmet and armor are light years ahead of Sideshow's troopers. The SS troopers' helmets and armor pieces are full of mold parting lines and part seams all of which are concealed on the HT versions. The paint is much cleaner and better applied as is the weathering. SS's odd pixelated weathering is generally atrocious, and represents nothing seen on-screen

I wholly agree that prior to HTs storm/sandtrooper releases, the SS versions stood alone in terms of a high-end collectible but it seems to me that HT has completely rendered SS's versions to the second tier.

I dunno, when I look at these two helmets, they seem pretty similar to me, so I'll stay in the "casual fan" category lol. You indicate the Sideshow helmet have mold parting and seam lines? Looking at my helmets, all the seams and lines are essentially in the same locations as the Hot Toys version. So is the Deluxe Sandtrooper different to previous Sideshow troopers?

I definitely prefer the weathering on the Hot Toys version. Same for the fit of the armor. But it's not like Sideshow's armor is horribly cast. I'm sure some day Hot Toys are another company will release a Sand trooper that will blow away Hot Toy's current version. Perhaps I'll upgrade then.
Yeah, the weathering on the Sideshow version is definitely over done a little especially on the Deluxe. Which is why I said in comparison it looks like he's been walking through Bantha **** lol!! I still think the Deluxe is probably the best out of the old Sideshow Sandtroopers. The others seemed to have almost splotches of dirt thrown on them.
I dunno, when I look at these two helmets, they seem pretty similar to me, so I'll stay in the "casual fan" category lol. You indicate the Sideshow helmet have mold parting and seam lines? Looking at my helmets, all the seams and lines are essentially in the same locations as the Hot Toys version. So is the Deluxe Sandtrooper different to previous Sideshow troopers?

Hi Kool,

Similar, yes, but not equally accurate. I see considerable differences in the layouts of the two helmets- look at the differences from the frown down as well as the shapes of the 'tubes'. The eye shapes are considerably better on HT's as well, very similar to Marmit's bucket. The HT detail parts are also much more refined and well assembled.

As for seams and parting lines, check along the helmet 'tubes'- I stripped and sanded those out on two SS helmets. Also, SS's eyes are just (indifferently) painted as opposed to the seperate flat green lenses as on HT's. Next are the big joint seams on the front and back of all the leg parts. Unfinished glue/mold parting lines are a particular pet peeve of mine though, and propably aren't nearly as big a deal to the slightly less OCD amongst us. :)
I dunno, when I look at these two helmets, they seem pretty similar to me, so I'll stay in the "casual fan" category lol. You indicate the Sideshow helmet have mold parting and seam lines? Looking at my helmets, all the seams and lines are essentially in the same locations as the Hot Toys version. So is the Deluxe Sandtrooper different to previous Sideshow troopers?

12284CB5-6943-48F5-8500-4C62A2BC20AE_zpshif0ibxu.jpg Photo by Hannitized2 | Photobucket

For starters, if you look or measure the distance from the frown to the top of the vocoder area you can see a considerable size difference. The whole bottom jaw area on the side she'll figure is swollen it has a different size which fundamentally changed The appearance of the mask and affects the frown. Also, the speaker mic on the hot toys is more accurate to the movie, whereas the sideshow speakers are enormous and inaccurate. It looks like the hot toys helmet was stung by a Bee and the helmet is swollen.
Also, the details like the ears and the molding around the ears on the HT is spectacularly better than SS's.

Look at the shape of the front dome of the helmet. HT's is accurate whereas SS is slanted.

Thanks. I have come to the same conclusion....Have ordered Sandtrooper and requested return label for Luke.....BUT, should I just put Luke away and not tell the wifey.....

Why are you returning Like? Hope there was something wrong with him.
The differences seem negligible to me as well, both look great, feel sorry for those people that have to analyze their troopers. I go through this on Fett releases when people are all like, "doesn't this look awesome", glad It doesn't bother me on trooper and Vader releases. :lol
The differences seem negligible to me as well, both look great, feel sorry for those people that have to analyze their troopers. I go through this on Fett releases when people are all like, "doesn't this look awesome", glad It doesn't bother me on trooper and Vader releases. :lol

I didn't say that seeing these glaring differences were a fun thing. It's been rough, waiting for the improvements, but they will come. I can't even look at my sideshow troopers any longer. They are just not acceptable to me.

This is how I see them in comparison:

"Really, these differences are not noticeable to me".....this is what it looks and feels like to us.
No one is denying the Hot Toys is a superior sculpt. But there might be those that think $325 (yes that's what it costs here and it is an Australian review) is a bit much to pay for what to most are very minor differences. We get it, you're perfectionists and want the best. I'm looking forward to the Hot Toys sandy, but I'm not going to crucify someone who says the price is a little steep when they already have the sideshow.

Can we give the Spanish Inquisition a rest?
And that is the type of people that makes HT above competitors, their attention to details and accuracy. Then you have companies like SS and medicom that releases subpar product. Theres always market for both segments, no rights or wrongs in this case.
Yeah, I read this thread backwards and honestly could not tell which was the SS and which was the HT. I see the differences, but as KK said, they aren't so offensive that it's overly obvious. I mean, if you're a plastic surgeon, then yeah, you can tell huge differences from 3mm to 5mm, but hell, my eyes don't see like that. To those that do, party on!
And that is the type of people that makes HT above competitors, their attention to details and accuracy. Then you have companies like SS and medicom that releases subpar product. Theres always market for both segments, no rights or wrongs in this case.


It was neat discovering the little differences between Sandtrooper and Stormtrooper armour and helmets for the first time only a few months ago. And then better still to see that HT had addressed them as well. Some of them tiny details that could've been overlooked by going the cheaper route of re-using moulds.
Yep, agreed. Personally if I had SSC Sandtroopers they would be getting the boot in favour of HT (Canadian exchange rate be damned). There is a vast difference in quality and fidelity between the two, IMO.
I'd pick movie accuracy over stylized version any day. That's why it's really cool that I can learn a lot from all these fanatics bout the details and accuracies.

My friend is picking up HT AnH Vader and he'll be displaying the robe inside like ESB/ROTJ. It really bugs me, and I gotta constantly remind myself that it's his figure and if that's how he likes it then that's all that matters at the end of the day since not many people are that **** on movie accuracy.