If anybody has this figure and the HT Anakin could you post a pic of the Anakin headsculpt on this figure?
Great pics. Looks like you put the TFA robes on the TLJ body? TLJ sleeves/boots. I might pick the shirt and boots up loose for my TFA Kylo if I can. Looks good!
Thats some serious EU type stuff right there...
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Yes, is TLJ body![]()
I didn't like it.
Well that's one way to waste a headsculpt. Hope that was an extra
Sorry. I didn’t mean to offend anyone.
I have deleted the images.
I liked it. It was imaginitive and the weathering on the helmet looked good. You should take it to the next level and try bleaching the kylo costume. Its the trooper body that didnt work for me. Screw the whiners and the filterless.
I didn't insult anything personally. I just said I didn't like it. As far as I know, nobody have to like it. I just stated my personal taste. And though I didn't like the figure, I prefer it to be available to others, since others may like it. And I think you should upload them again. My message was not intended to discourage you, but just to state my opinion. If I offended you, I apologize.