But his blurry face was shown with the official pics.
Exactly, or luke is finally unveiled and saves him lol
and a little HT OT info, I am still standing by my original info that Jedi Luke is coming soon, he has been in the que for a long time...Soon...
I'd be trying to somehow tell on Disney if Snoke was a Yoda alien.
I saw in a Star Wars card game that Snoke is confirmed to be JarJar Binks, proving once and for all that Jar Jar was the true power behind everything that happened during the PT, OT, and now ST. It's a shame they recast Ahmed Best with Andy Serkis since he delievered some of the best performances of the prequel movies, but they probably wanted to lend Jar Jar a bit more gravitas in his old age.
Do'sa you's feel it?
Kylo is done and ready to be released in December, unless something changed at HT from the time I saw the WIP pics way back, this release will not nor ever was meant to have an unmasked Driver sculpt.
and a little HT OT info, I am still standing by my original info that Jedi Luke is coming soon, he has been in the que for a long time...Soon...
I saw the WIP pics way back, this release will not nor ever was meant to have an unmasked Driver sculpt.
If Kylo Ren was a Sith, JJ wouldn't just flat out say "He is not a sith" like he did.
He just wouldn't. He has never rolled that way.
I don't believe there's a single person who hears them talking about using practical effects and locations and thinks they mean they're using it 100%.
Is that what the video was trying to do, discredit the film makers? Very poorly put together, I couldn't tell what they were trying to do.