where's the sign up for the list???
~~and i also think the least they could do is include all the accessories from the first version of Wolf. but i guess they are doing it this way so that people will HAVE to buy both to get every weapon.
Exactly. I'm sure they learned from the P2 figure that if you pack the exact figure and more, it's not as effective as releasing 2 figures that are both incomplete so that many collectors will be forced to buy both if they want an all encompassing figure.
this got me to thinkin...
why doesn't hot toys quit re-releasing the exact same figure with different accessories... and just sell accessory packs?
think about it. mcfarlane made a bunch for several different toy lines, and they were awesome.
instead of screwing their customers by forcing them to buy the same $200 figure with a different head and a few new accessories, just sell a $50 pack with those and even more cool stuff to add to it.
problem solved.
The main reason I think is because Hot Toys is stretching out the cost of the molds for the body and the R & D of the rest of the kit. The same goes for both versions of Predator 2's R & D and armor molds. And most probably for Elder Predator 2 and Predator 1 who should share the same armor and head sculpt.
I still think leaving the roaring mandibles off the first releases was a s***ty thing to do on both the P2 and Wolf variants. I could live without the other accessories, but those mandibles really make a stunning figure. And it probably cost them just $4 at the most to produce them too.![]()
I can understand making up costs, but I think everyone would agree, we'd all pay another like $50 for an all encompassing figure, which, considering the money they have to spend making these full second figures, would balance out to defray costs on the one I think. If all the stuff in Cleaner Wolf came with first Wolf and he cost $190 like the PredAlien, I'd have still gotten Wolf. I think a happy medicum can be reached where one figure can include everything and defray the special costs.
Does anybody here know if SSC is planning on releasing an exclusive?
Maybe Sideshow would throw in an extra cannon. That wouldn't be too bad, especially for anyone buying this as their first Wolf figure.
so actually for people who still remember the movie. Which mask is MOVIE ACCURATE??
version 1 or this version???
i really cant remember.
and I really love the base , why people dont talk about the base. i think the base is going to be a very nice addition to your collection.
Is this possible that WOLF WIll get the same accessories as original version like dual canons, etc. and he will get the extra accessories in the same time????
remember what happened with BD predator 2?? it didnt say that there will be a mask for it. BUT look what happened?? BD P2 COMES WITH ANYTHING REGULAR P2 OFFER.
do you think the same case will occur on this case??
Man , someday i can shoot my head for spending so much money on plastic. DAMN