Hot Toys MMS 692 + 693 BATMAN (1989) 1/6 scale Batman 2.0

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Outside of the overtextured suit and the mistextured cape, it looks great. Pretty much looks like the prototype. DX09 just looks way too outdated. Those goofy unrealistic eyes always killed it for me.

Really would like to leave this one in this pose but the suit still being their usual ****** rubber has me concerned.

Not perfect but it's enough for me because I also never got any of the previous keaton Batman. This will be the first (still hope to get my order for The Flash version back) and I'll order the 2.0 for Batman Returns also.
I am very eager to see this in actual collector's hands here. Not sure what to make of it. Some shots look great... and then some just look weird...

released in HK 7-31-24 (3).jpg

released in HK 7-31-24 (19).jpg

I suppose if the suit looks too rough in hand it could be made into a good "battle damaged" version with a little more 'wear'.

I love this shot though...

released in HK 7-31-24 (24).jpg
Man I wish they'd stop using clam shells and go back to foam for DX figures.

If I remember rightly the proto wasn't as heavy on the texture, I wonder why they went back and over textured it. Sculpt likeness I really dig.
The suit texture is *probably* the same as DX09, which is to say overdone but I think we're seeing digital over-sharpening of these photos, typical these days.
Ok this how I see things:
I plan to put the DX09 next to Mars Bruce. Their respective paint app match pretty well IMO.
This new 2.0 more modern and realistic to pair with the hyper realistic Jazzinc Batmobile and my DX09 BD on the Gargoyle base.
Solid figure.
Looks like Keaton on certains shots, definitely not him on others. The open mouth plate is horrendous…😬
Yeah that mouth is truly awful; I cannot believe they shipped that thing. The smirk from the original release was really good, this one's terrible. Whose teeth are those?!