Hot Toys - MMS 719, MMS 720, MMS 721, MMS 722 - A New Hope: Sandtrooper Sergeant and Dewback 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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The point is the HT Dewback looks like a little brother to the SSC Dewback, and not just in overall size, but in the strange distortion where the head looks too small for the body. It looks like a kid/teen Dewback or something.

The HT head looks to be maybe 30% smaller than the SSC head even though the overall creature is only maybe 15% smaller than the SSC overall (hard to quantify because the body proportions are different.)

And in the closer hi-res pics it doesn't look like the HT mouth can be closed, so you are stuck with that goofy horse teeth mouth that looks almost comical. About the only SW thing that meth-teeth mouth brings to mind is the old Hasbro POTF2 SE Dewback.

Add in that weird Joker-green fur toupee on top of the HT Dewback head and it has this weird grinning hillbilly look.
Damn man, and I'd almost convinced myself over the last week that the proportions were almost OK :)

I'll still get it too, but I too would prefer the head to be a little larger. Although from some angles where you can see the skin hanging down under the neck it does help somewhat with the head proportions. The light on that pic above makes it look worse imo.
Is it just the lighting or are the teeth significantly different between the Sideshow Con Dewback

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Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 08-36-42 Hot Toys Sandtrooper and Dewback 1_6.png

and the AGCHK Dewback?

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Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 08-38-10 Hot Toys Sandtrooper and Dewback 1_6.png
Peer pressure aside :LOL: ... typical of a lot of HT releases, it looks amazing in some photos, weird in others ... and can't stand up to obsessive fan scrutiny.

I actually considered it when I first saw it, mainly because HT paint applications are generally amazing and they look great on this creature, but I don't see giving that much space to a collectible that I like only from a couple of angles.

Who knows, if it ever sees the light of day, maybe they'll tweak it a bit but ... the Howard works in mysterious ways. :cautious:

This is the most incredible announcement from HT... ever!!!
I've always wanted that Sideshow statue... but I shall have this!

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Whatever its price... I shall have one.

Looks like his little brother is seated in front.

Anyway, the more I get away from the excitement of seeing this, the more I analyze it, the more I feel like this isn't for me.

Mando leftovers. Bah!
What the heck happened here??? Bring back the old Wor-Gar! Sometimes one's first instinct is the correct one. :lecture
I actually considered it when I first saw it, mainly because HT paint applications are generally amazing and they look great on this creature, but I don't see giving that much space to a collectible that I like only from a couple of angles.
Same here. I enjoyed playing with the idea of getting the dewback, but at the end of the day it's way too big for something I don't care that much about. I felt similarly about the ROTJ speeder bike. And if HT revealed a truly accurate ROTJ Jabba that would probably be the biggest temptation for me. But the sculpt would have to be better than any Sideshow version.

That sandtrooper on the other hand... we've been waiting what, 7 years for it now since the first reveal? I don't really get disappointed by much in this hobby, since it's just figures in the end, but man, it would actually make me sad if they don't release him yet again.
Same here. I enjoyed playing with the idea of getting the dewback, but at the end of the day it's way too big for something I don't care that much about. I felt similarly about the ROTJ speeder bike.
The speeder bike was another piece I seriously considered, but that was my 10-year old self ... my adult self doesn't feel the same. :LOL:
What the heck happened here??? Bring back the old Wor-Gar! Sometimes one's first instinct is the correct one. :lecture

You know how I get... like Vulture... these type super-displays touch a gotta-have-it nerve, but like a sugar rush, it passes with time, and too much exposure.

If these things popped up and disappeared quicker, and weren't found on ebay two years later for half the price, I wouldn't be so quick to cool off.
You know how I get... like Vulture... these type super-displays touch a gotta-have-it nerve, but like a sugar rush, it passes with time, and too much exposure.

If these things popped up and disappeared quicker, and weren't found on ebay two years later for half the price, I wouldn't be so quick to cool off.
OK that's different than "I feel this isn't for me", which sounds like you are no longer interested in it at all. Although I'm not so sure this one (assuming it's made) will be going for half price down the road. I sense that HT may scale back on production numbers of these larger items during the initial runs (rather than be forced to slash prices on inventory), allowing them to do the reissue thing 5 years down the road at an even higher price point.

While I find it fascinating & informative that many folks here know all the fine details of SW designs through the years, some of the critiques I see do want me to caution them to not throw the proverbial baby out with the bath water lol.
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Peer pressure aside :LOL: ... typical of a lot of HT releases, it looks amazing in some photos, weird in others ... and can't stand up to obsessive fan scrutiny.

I actually considered it when I first saw it, mainly because HT paint applications are generally amazing and they look great on this creature, but I don't see giving that much space to a collectible that I like only from a couple of angles.

Who knows, if it ever sees the light of day, maybe they'll tweak it a bit but ... the Howard works in mysterious ways. :cautious:
Same here. I enjoyed playing with the idea of getting the dewback, but at the end of the day it's way too big for something I don't care that much about. I felt similarly about the ROTJ speeder bike. And if HT revealed a truly accurate ROTJ Jabba that would probably be the biggest temptation for me. But the sculpt would have to be better than any Sideshow version.

That sandtrooper on the other hand... we've been waiting what, 7 years for it now since the first reveal? I don't really get disappointed by much in this hobby, since it's just figures in the end, but man, it would actually make me sad if they don't release him yet again.
I guess it all depends on one's individual situation regarding display space availability, but I'm finding that some of these larger pieces like the Blurrg, Swoop Bike, Speeder Bike, etc., do a nice job of breaking up the sameness of my displays. After a while an array of Detolfs with figures crammed into them can look like a collection of mini cosplayers. :lol Having stuff like Rescue Captain America on a motorcycle, Deadpool on a red Vespa and Catwoman on the Bat-Pod interspersed in there helps diversify the look, and having the even larger pieces either above or adjacent to my Detolfs has given me further opportunities to shake things up and rearrange things.
I guess it all depends on one's individual situation regarding display space availability, but I'm finding that some of these larger pieces like the Blurrg, Swoop Bike, Speeder Bike, etc., do a nice job of breaking up the sameness of my displays. After a while an array of Detolfs with figures crammed into them can look like a collection of mini cosplayers. :lol Having stuff like Rescue Captain America on a motorcycle, Deadpool on a red Vespa and Catwoman on the Bat-Pod interspersed in there helps diversify the look, and having the even larger pieces either above or adjacent to my Detolfs has given me further opportunities to shake things up and rearrange things.
@The Buffinator -- absolutely, it's great for composition to use different levels, sizes and shapes. For myself I'm talking about overall space I'll give to displays now, which is not much at this point. Everyone's preference is different of course.
Yeah fully agreed. I use the top of my Detolfs for larger diorama type items, and use 1:4 scale to break up the monotony of the cubicles.

I haven't taken any new collection pictures in a while so the shot below is from end '22, but other than some slight changes it hasn't changed much. I actually will have a spot on top opening up soon that technically could be filled by the dewback. I'll replace the Gandalf with InArt, which will go to eye level within the cases.

But I'm so selective in what I buy that the dewback just doesn't make the cut. I considered the speeder bike, but again I don't have that attachment to it as I do to the rest of my collection.

So far it seems I'm the only one who's up for POing this Dewback if it pops up? I just think it'll look pretty cool with Mando riding it alongside my custom ANH version. The Mando Dewback design I don't mind and it looks more realistic than the standard SE-style Dewback that seems to be the primary driver for collectible designs.

It does seem pretty strange that the Dewback look seems to drift in so many directions. I guess LFL hasn't loved any of the redesigns so has allowed a constant design evolution to take place over the past 25 years since the SE reboot.

I can't really think of another SW design that has had so many pretty major changes. When you compare the 1997 POTF2 version to the 2010 Legacy version to the Black Series 6" version, they are so different.
So far it seems I'm the only one who's up for POing this Dewback if it pops up?
I’d get one too!
Same here, and I was the guy who only collected Marvel & DC and refused to go down the SW rabbit hole until I finally gave in and decided I'd get just a few Mandalorian related figures. So much for that strategy - at this rate it'll be just a few hundred. :lol
1983 doesn't lie... the last year of real Star Wars...

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One of the best Kenner SW toys of all time. And brilliantly executed Dewback design, even within the constraints of the era.

I'm just in the process of shrinking that box front (non-CS SW/ESB variant) down to 3" X 4" to be the display plaque for my new 1/6 Dewback along with an exact copy of the clapper board used for the Tunisia Dewback shoot in 1/6 scale.
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So far it seems I'm the only one who's up for POing this Dewback if it pops up? I just think it'll look pretty cool with Mando riding it alongside my custom ANH version. The Mando Dewback design I don't mind and it looks more realistic than the standard SE-style Dewback that seems to be the primary driver for collectible designs.

It does seem pretty strange that the Dewback look seems to drift in so many directions. I guess LFL hasn't loved any of the redesigns so has allowed a constant design evolution to take place over the past 25 years since the SE reboot.

I can't really think of another SW design that has had so many pretty major changes. When you compare the 1997 POTF2 version to the 2010 Legacy version to the Black Series 6" version, they are so different.

I’d get one too!

Same here, and I was the guy who only collected Marvel & DC and refused to go down the SW rabbit hole until I finally gave in and decided I'd get just a few Mandalorian related figures. So much for that strategy - at this rate it'll be just a few hundred. :lol

Yes, I definitely will pre-order this day one when it goes up! I really want this in my collection! I really hope it will be announced soon, and this thing isn't just meant for Howard's private collection.

I hate this post Summer Con time where figures like this are not released for pre-order. Chances increase we'll never see him again.

Same here. It's really cool to see the new stuff, but I want to see that stuff go up for PO. Have we had this weeks HT 1/6th announcement yet?
Yes, I definitely will pre-order this day one when it goes up! I really want this in my collection! I really hope it will be announced soon, and this thing isn't just meant for Howard's private collection.

Same here. It's really cool to see the new stuff, but I want to see that stuff go up for PO. Have we had this weeks HT 1/6th announcement yet?
If this does go up for PO (pretty sure it's not just for Howard, as they've clearly made some efforts to convert it to ANH from the Mando original) it'll be interesting to see how it sells.

The kinda similar Blurrg was very clearly a peg warmer (I think it's the reason the Dewback jumped from Mando to ANH) and despite sky-high ebay prices for the SSC Dewback, you have to wonder how many will jump at a $500+ creature like this.

It's maybe a better prospect than a HT Jabba just because there's already been two SSC versions of Jabba, one fairly recently, but it's also in some ways it's more niche than Jabba. Just less people overall would want a Dewback vs Jabba, and there's already been a SSC version and those Dewback fans wouldn't want a second because it still holds up fine. So really hard to say.
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Yeah fully agreed. I use the top of my Detolfs for larger diorama type items, and use 1:4 scale to break up the monotony of the cubicles.

I haven't taken any new collection pictures in a while so the shot below is from end '22, but other than some slight changes it hasn't changed much. I actually will have a spot on top opening up soon that technically could be filled by the dewback. I'll replace the Gandalf with InArt, which will go to eye level within the cases.

But I'm so selective in what I buy that the dewback just doesn't make the cut. I considered the speeder bike, but again I don't have that attachment to it as I do to the rest of my collection.

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Lookit these pristine lighted detolfs with one figure per shelf. Admittedly I only own two detolfs so far, but mine are like the subway at rush hour. And not yet lit. In fact look at this whole room, uncluttered with hobby stuff! Agonistes here is livin' the dream.

p.s. those Chrysler gargoyle stands are pretty cool, I love those.