Thanks! But as much as I would like to say that I always keep the room like this (since it's also my home office), let me give you a more honest impression of what it unfortunately looks like more often than I'd like.Lookit these pristine lighted detolfs with one figure per shelf. Admittedly I only own two detolfs so far, but mine are like the subway at rush hour. And not yet lit. In fact look at this whole room, uncluttered with hobby stuff! Agonistes here is livin' the dream.
p.s. those Chrysler gargoyle stands are pretty cool, I love those.
Below is what it looks like right now: containers full of childhood toys I want to sell, new figure boxes I haven't made space for, the workbench cluttered with the "hobby stuff"... But I do make sure the shelves are nice and uncluttered.

And to keep it on topic, that trooper on the desk is my marmit sandtrooper on a new body, who will hopefully join this new white pauldron sandie in the near future and my orange pauldron one in a Mos Eisley diorama I have yet to build.