Hot Toys - MMS 719, MMS 720, MMS 721, MMS 722 - A New Hope: Sandtrooper Sergeant and Dewback 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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HT really goes out of their way to appease Disney. For Mando season three were the covert mandos, an armorer re-do, and another R5D4 really needed? I know there wasn't much there to work with, but still. Maybe those won't see the light of day.

A taun taun with Hoth Luke or Han would sell so it seems crazy that they would do a bluurg or dewback and not do that.
Doubtful - this Dewback is just a redo of a Mando Dewback they had sitting around for a few years unreleased from S1/2 era that they decided to do a few tweaks on to change some, though not even close to all, of the Mando details to ANH details.

While I would LOVE to see what HT would do with a Taun, I've seen nothing to indicate it'll ever happen. People talk about ROTJ anniv getting a stingy treatment from HT, but even ESB really only got a couple of new figs, nothing close to the level of commitment of a Taun.

We're in a very Disney product era now for figs, and HT, like any licensee, hones closely to the media support - meaning that apart from the occasional (increasingly rare) OT call-out, the Disney SW movies/D+ shows are going to be 80-90% of their focus. In the first years of the Disney/D+ era, we were still getting a not-great but steady stream of non-D+ stuff, now that seems to have dried up to really only releases of long-dormant figs like 3PO and the DST (if that ever goes up for PO.)

The only really chance we get a HT Taun is, like with the Dewback, we get a scene where Mando or some other D+ lead, rides one. Though we'll get the D+ version of a Taun, which the HT speeder bike and Dewback proves will be decent, but not fully accurate to the OT.

While AOTC was a truly staggering excpetion to all this, we'll soon find out in the way HT treats TPM as to whether there is indeed a major new focus on the PT or if AOTC just held an extra special place in young Howard's heart, explaining the bizarre HT depth on that movie.
Rotj vader and C3po are mostly reuse figures, same with the Sandtrooper and redone mandalorian Dewback. Already existing prototypes. The writing has been on the wall for a while. Ot and even the pt not related to clone wars are in the rear view mirror for hot toys. Either because the mouse wants d plus shows front and center, or Howard realizes he needs to strike while the iron is hot with these shows. We are down to 3 ot figures a year, if we are lucky.
Even the aotc figures are partly repacks. R2, the clone, and pilot are basically repacks. A few new parts and such. Padme was a prototype we saw years ago. Anakin and mace are new sculpts and the sbd is new. The geonosis bd can be milked with new paint for years. Let’s see how deep they go with phantom menace.
We need a third party that has huge grapefruits to stand up to the mouse and give us the missing characters we need. We can forget about hoth rebels, Piett, ackbar, bib, greedo, and so on. It’s not happening. I’ll go light myself on fire now.
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I appreciated Andor - a nice departure from the crap of BOBF and Kenobi and the meh of Ashoka - but it was slow, almost self-consciously so, to a point where it eventually got harder to press the next ep button, and didn't really stay with me the way the best of S1 Mando did.

I don't think there's been much in-out on most of the D+ series: BOBF was a total dud from the get-go and despite early excitement, Kenobi (apart from Vader) was mocked pretty much from the day it hit. Andor was tonally/visually right but just seemed to send people to sleep so I guess landed somewhere in the middle.
Yeah I'm the same way with Andor. It had some brilliant moments and terrific acting, but for the most part was a bit of a slog to get through. And I honestly can't blame HT at all for skipping that one.
Background (aka fun) characters won’t happen. Casual collectors simply don’t care. They are only for hardcore SW fans. HT targets mainstream not those 10% who know the names of all those bounty hunters from ESB. Recent “fun” chatacters, IG-11, Kuiil, pretty good characters but with no draw, if they are not well known or carries the worth they won’t sell.

If HT’s not making Jar Jar they sure as heck won’t make Ackbar. Both are meme characters and Ackbar’s a one trick pony.
Fortunately this period is coinciding with the 3D print revolution that is sweeping all scales of collectibles.

While clothing and accessories will remain challenging and expensive, not to mention quality paint work (on all parts of fig not just head,) at least there are a ton of 3D sculpts that cover obscure OT characters for a 1/6 figure, from often SSC/HT-level headsculpts to every deep-geek knowledge accessory/prop/weapon.

The other thing about this era ending is that most on this forum have a lot of high-quality OT figs by now - SSC goes back 20 years and HT well over 10 - from various manufacturers, along with some quality custom figures to cover the gaps.

While there's always that slightly-better version (InArt will exceed that "slightly") and there's also newer collectors chasing more affordable options for mega-appreciated figs, many on here have at least 75% of everything they will ever want from the OT.
Yeah I'm the same way with Andor. It had some brilliant moments and terrific acting, but for the most part was a bit of a slog to get through. And I honestly can't blame HT at all for skipping that one.
I don't quite get such takes myself. I never felt bored by it, Its pace was totally in line with most drama (especially British) and 70's movies. I think if you cut a 70's movie into 3 chunks and watched it over the course of 3 weeks it would seem to drag too. The main issue was Disney releasing the show weekly rather than in batches of 3 episodes. Each batch makes a great movie.

I think that nowadays folk are just used to everything being so fast paced. it is like eating an apple after spending years being conditioned to eat sugary junk, it will seem not very sweet at all. Not because it isn't sweet, it is just that we got so used to mountain dew, coke, jelly babies etc etc etc.
I don't quite get such takes myself. I never felt bored by it, Its pace was totally in line with most drama (especially British) and 70's movies. I think if you cut a 70's movie into 3 chunks and watched it over the course of 3 weeks it would seem to drag too. The main issue was Disney releasing the show weekly rather than in batches of 3 episodes. Each batch makes a great movie.

I think that nowadays folk are just used to everything being so fast paced. it is like eating an apple after spending years being conditioned to eat sugary junk, it will seem not very sweet at all. Not because it isn't sweet, it is just that we got so used to mountain dew, coke, jelly babies etc etc etc.
The pacing wasn't the problem for me. What made it feel like a slog was the dull lead character and a "beginning of the rebellion" storyline we've already seen played out before in Rogue One, Rebels and Obi-Wan.
The pacing wasn't the problem for me. What made it feel like a slog was the dull lead character and a "beginning of the rebellion" storyline we've already seen played out before in Rogue One, Rebels and Obi-Wan.
Oh ok, since you said you feel the same way while responding to someone who complained about the slow pace I assumed you agreed on that point.

As for birth of the rebellion stuff, Rogue One had the rebellion already formed more or less so it wasn't a birth of the rebellion plot but rather how the rebels got the plans. Rebels I could not get through but it is a kids cartoon so can be ignored since any of that sort of thing they did was likely surface level. Obiwan was just plain bad. I do get what you mean though, it is a well trod era but TBH a well told story story about the birth of the rebellion is better to me than yet another Jedi story (we had way more of that already)
Yeah I'm the same way with Andor. It had some brilliant moments and terrific acting, but for the most part was a bit of a slog to get through. And I honestly can't blame HT at all for skipping that one.
I still have been unable to finish it. I keep falling asleep when I try watching it regardless of what time of day I try. It is a massive bore.
I still have been unable to finish it. I keep falling asleep when I try watching it regardless of what time of day I try. It is a massive bore.
Don’t worry about it, I fell asleep during the second viewing of Rogue One. I liked it after the first time, thought I’d watch it again a few weeks later, and it was boring. Everyone likes different things, just because someone shouting Andor is good to them doesn’t mean it is for the next person.

And back on track, I also wanted a second Sandtrooper to make a little squad but it makes no sense to get the same one twice considering the weathering will be identical. So I got the original HT Sandtrooper used at below the original msrp, going to fix it up and see if I can add magnets to the accessories.
I got only one set on order, however I thought about getting two of these. Might eventually order a second, but I still own the OG SS Dewback.
Andor is a good show but I wouldn’t say I necessarily need figures from it. If Hot Toys ever decides to make a Cassian however I will pick him up.
I'm down to just two figures from Rogue One and sometimes consider selling K-2 even though he was my favorite character from the movie -- just doesn't look that exciting to me on the shelf, especially with the lights off. I also have Krennic but he integrates better with OT figures like Vader and Tarkin.

Something something Dewback something something :wink1:
K-2 is one of the BEST HT Star Wars figures. It's such a great figure, TonTon, you will regret selling him if you do.

Remember, K-2 will be in S2 Andor. You will like him again.

....Dewback.... incorrect.... OT is strong....
Your comment in some other thread about all the figures we have boxed up or in closets got me thinking of selling him again. :lol
K2 is boss