Hot Toys - MMS 719, MMS 720, MMS 721, MMS 722 - A New Hope: Sandtrooper Sergeant and Dewback 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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I'm down to just two figures from Rogue One and sometimes consider selling K-2 even though he was my favorite character from the movie -- just doesn't look that exciting to me on the shelf, especially with the lights off. I also have Krennic but he integrates better with OT figures like Vader and Tarkin.

Something something Dewback something something :wink1:
I regret passing on K2 and would still want him out of my love for the movie... but agree he never looked like a particularly exciting figure to have on display. Much like with IG-11 for some reason.
I still have been unable to finish it. I keep falling asleep when I try watching it regardless of what time of day I try. It is a massive bore.
The only andor figure I would want is a rogue one cassian. Make it a deluxe and give him all of the gear from the movie. They better hurry up because I’m losing interest. To quote 89 Batman,
This hobby needs an enema.
The only andor figure I would want is a rogue one cassian. Make it a deluxe and give him all of the gear from the movie. They better hurry up because I’m losing interest. To quote 89 Batman,
This hobby needs an enema.
HT learned their lesson with Lando, vast majority of their customers don't care for a guy without lightsaber or helmet. Better off waiting for more Batman
Good. Because I never did get a Lando.

But then, I didn't buy Bespin Luke either.

What OT collector can resist a Lando?

Though, again like Luke Snowspeeder, a kind of middling figure that should/could have easily been a home run. 7.5/10 likeness (strange after SSC in an earlier era delivered a 9 to 9.5/10 Lando likeness - a repeat situation of ANH Ben), weird cape material, shirt a bit too pale, cardboard instead of sculpted wall backdrop like came with Leia Bespin, giant pleather-y boots, skinny-jeans instead of bell bottoms, re-use of that horrible, horrible Leia Bespin blaster (based on Hasbro nerf gun - no kidding,) and finally... not enough hands(?!)
Andor is a good show but I wouldn’t say I necessarily need figures from it. If Hot Toys ever decides to make a Cassian however I will pick him up.
Gilroy didn't get the we do this mostly to sell toys memo.
Or if he did, he just threw it out.

That said would definitely get Andor trench-coat and Bryer pistol or R1 uniform), B2EMO and Luthen.

....and something about a Dewback.
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This thread might be in contention for most derailed thread ever that wasn't caused by a political argument. I came into the thread, started reading and had no idea what thread I was in. Oh yeah, something, something, Dewback. :)