If they don't, then may the Force give them the pain from a thousand Dewback fleas.Just put it up for preorder! Sadly I’m not convinced they will.
Thank you for summarizing me everytime something cools gets previewedI have absolutely no idea where I would put this, but I will pre-order it day one, no questions asked.
Perfect setup !! The rider also looks well positioned and posed !!View attachment 650816
Lens distortion doesn’t do this dewback justice. Makes the head look too big. I need some better pics of this guy.
Sorry boys but I'm all for the Hot Toys Dewback. The Sideshow one is clearly the CGI abomination wiggling across the screen in the SE. While the lower part of the OG creature was never actually revealed in the movie, here we're getting the correct colors, fur and bulkier legs, which seems alot more appropriate for a lizard this size. The Mando Dewback is not only very close to the OG variant i.m.o., but also to what I've always imagined it should look like.I hope Jedijim doesn't mind I used his picture for comparison as it lines up rather well with the HT photo...
Sideshow Dewback TOP
Hot Toys Dewback proto BOTTOM
View attachment 650846
The Sideshow Dewback has this great expression on its reptilian face. I also like the material the bags are mad from. What I don't like is the smallish mid-section/body. And the slim legs (again, this is Lucasfilm redesign so not SS's fault).
But the Hot Toys is looking pretty good from this angle. The bulk, the large legs (at least the upper part). It just appears larger overall. I wish they offered a closed-mouth version.
Me too.I have nowhere to put this but I'm ordering nonetheless lol...
Because this is a Mando re-use, I don't think this reveal necessarily suggests a Taun or Jabba.
I don't need it. I don't need it. I don't need it. I don't need it. I don't need it. I don't need it. I don't need it. I don't need it.
True, but it's easier to eventually make room for it than to find one after it's sold out for a decent price. But everyone's situation is different so I get passing on a large, expensive item like this if it's just going to sit in storage.
From the photos I still prefer the SS Dewback, but may consider adding this one depending on price.
If HT really wants to jump into the 1:6 SW creatures game, my top 5 would be:
- Rancor
- Wampa
- Taun Taun (I have the SS version, but maybe HT could produce a faux fur take)
- Nexu
- Acklay
This Dewback will 100% make it to PO - this was meant to come with a Mando figure and I asume preview last year, so HT will want to make use of all that prep cost ASAP.
Because this is a Mando re-use, I don't think this reveal necessarily suggests a Taun or Jabba. They could have done a Taun for the ESB 40th but instead at that time were working on a Mando Blurrg. Shows that HT values current/hot media over legacy. Even though I think they overestimated the appeal of a 1/6 Blurrg (HT Blurrgs are sitting around unsold pretty badly) and were at least a year late with releasing it.
If this Dewback sells separately from the trooper, I wonder how many people will display Mando on it? It's a pretty cool look for sure and I loved this artwork rendering of him on the Dewback (seen in the ep credits) so I can see why HT intended to do it as a Mando release.
The Sideshow Dewback just screams OT to me.View attachment 650816
Lens distortion doesn’t do this dewback justice. Makes the head look too big. I need some better pics of this guy.
True.Any trooper on that lizard screams STAR WARS...
Even with the slender SE dino-body.