Freaked Out
If anybody wants to PO a regular version from BBTS, I’m about to cancel my preorder so go get it.
I just wanna hold it in my hands RIGHT NOW
Dammit micheal not now!
Could anybody that has it do me a big favor and post a size comparison photo alongside the Iron Man 3 War Machine? Or at least point me in the direction of one? It would be greatly appreciated.
Why does everything need to be a contest?
Anyways, it looks cool but obviously the lack of weathering actually brings it down a notch for me.
So I don’t have those specific figures but I’m guessing that the Mark 4 is probably roughly as big as the Mark I which I took a pic of next to Iron Patriot which is a repaint of the IM3 War Machine ...
This prompted me to sell Iron Patriot because the War Machine Marks 1 and 3 looked like they would bully it ha
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Hey thanks! Wow, he's not too much taller at all. My concern was I had a gut feeling that the Mark IV would be a really tall figure for whatever reason, which would leave him out of scale with the rest of my display, but this looks good! Thanks again.
Did HT not bother with the small missile pods behind the silver panels on the pecs?
View attachment 462398
u guys sure about that? i could’ve sworn i saw they mentioned/showed them in the video review recently posted
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