I'm one of the ones who would be happy if they dropped the lights altogether and lowered the price a bit. I can't even remember the last IM/WM figure i put batteries in.
Someone took the time to modify this guy with all the lights HT decided to omit.
I love the figure and all, but I'd rather still be waiting for it if it meant they finished it properly. The amount of details HT has been skipping has been increasing over time and it's bumming me out.
View attachment 466925
Mine also has the knee gap issue on his left leg. I think a part of their production run has this issue. Would be hard (lottery) to return and exchange hoping for one that doesn't have it, I think. It kind of bothers me but not a big enough issue to return and try to get one without it. I don't have him in a museum pose so its not noticeable for it to bother me.
I'm one of the ones who would be happy if they dropped the lights altogether and lowered the price a bit. I can't even remember the last IM/WM figure i put batteries in.
Someone took the time to modify this guy with all the lights HT decided to omit.
I love the figure and all, but I'd rather still be waiting for it if it meant they finished it properly. The amount of details HT has been skipping has been increasing over time and it's bumming me out.
View attachment 466925
^ Basically the armor on the knee bends at 2 points and fully locks/closes in place when not bent. Well some people's knee armor do not close all the way at one point or another and a gap is seen. Fortunately mine had neither this issue or the loose arm problem, as my ocd would not accept it!
I'm one of the ones who would be happy if they dropped the lights altogether and lowered the price a bit. I can't even remember the last IM/WM figure i put batteries in.
I'm one of the ones who would be happy if they dropped the lights altogether and lowered the price a bit. I can't even remember the last IM/WM figure i put batteries in.
Me too..I could never understand how anyone have the time and patience to take each individual figure out of their cabinet. Tedious installation of several batteries for each of them. Turn each light on. Put them all back in the cabinet to look at the lights for a few minutes.
Not sure if this has been shared before. Put let me post this here before I go change my underwear...
View attachment 467020