My favorite WM armor. I think I even like it better than the original. The mark 6 is too plain and showed up for 5 seconds. I'm on the fence about the Endgame Iron Patriot, the proportions look a little silly.
Asgardian Ruler, yes, I?m feeling about the same but really when it comes to the ?big 3? (Mk. I, III & IV) I?d be hard pressed to actually pick a favorite. I have NEVER passed on HT?s armors that were within reach over the past decade plus but that IM Mk. IV thing (I don?t even know, or want to know what to call it) and the WM Mk VI were just so easy to say no. I NEVER say no, I mean I never have (minus the GMG Mk. III and a couple of those bank account figures). If they had finished the HPP line, I?d have bought them all and am still very disappointed in the omission of Jack (I love my Disco and Jack was teased in Disco?s pictures). The other 2 that almost brought me to tears were Nightclub and Piston (Romeo was up there too with its Tank/HB chest RT with a heart shaped surrounding & thighs, BS/SC calves, feet & forearms and a Mk. VII abdomen section, shoulders & biceps, of course they needed to make Nightclub as it looks very much like Romeo has the same helmet).
But this is not about HPP, it?s about the recent WM stuff and how they seemed to make some ?wrong turns?. I?d have made the Mk. VI the IP 2.0 so it would match the boring IP 1.0 (actually that?s not completely fair, obviously I feel the Mk. XXII, Hot Rod was the best rendition of all 4 variants but the IP was (at least to me) much better looking than that IM3 WM Mk. II which was thankfully repainted with a darker and more ?mature? color scheme for AoU WM Mk. II. The IP 2.0 would have looked so good in the WM colors and I even found a nice chop of it in the team suit colors that didn?t look so terrible either. Of course that?s a MCU decision not a HT decision but I?ll be 100% clear on this one, as I?ve said that I buy almost every armor, passing on one says something and had they released the team suit WM Mk. VI, I?d have been into that hands down. Would it have cracked the top 3 WM?s, NOT A CHANCE, but I?d own a version instead of just passing.
The OG is so great and mechanical and angular and was THE tank until Mk. IV but it is still so nicely designed especially when looking at it from the perspective that it was originally the IM Mk. II all bulked, kitted and weaponized (hit him with the ex-wife)! And the Mk. III was clearly bulked up to help alleviate the problem with the slimmer Mk. II while still showing the ?trickle down effect? from the bleeding edge (pun intended) armors worn by Tony while the Mk. IV was clearly Tony going overboard with trying to keep his beat buddy safe, armed up (in every direction) with legs that were especially designed to accept Rhodes leg prosthesis. All 3 of them are keepers in different but special ways and tell great stories.
With the end of IM, most people, including myself, expect reissues, repaints (perhaps some select HPP suits, Mk. XXI is technically one of them) a focus on Iron Heart and I?m hoping some secret WM projects will come out of the wood work. Personally, I?m stoked for what?s to come because how many more red/gold/silver suits do we really want (well I guess that?s a dumb question because they could make 100 more and I?d bet they would look pretty awesome)!