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Not with Michael Jackson.

Which one? I remember one having two complete looks minus the body (which was sold separately). and the other had a decent spread... but honestly its Micheal Jackson, short of including a kid figure for him to diddle I dont know what else could have been included
Which one? I remember one having two complete looks minus the body (which was sold separately). and the other had a decent spread... but honestly its Micheal Jackson, short of including a kid figure for him to diddle I dont know what else could have been included

The bad figure. Which I guess summed it up. True of course. But HT are unlikely to give DX's that often as they would rather add a body and call it a 2pack like the stealth suit 2 pack. Usually minus the body and extra shield, it'll be Captain America Stealth Suit DX, not anymore. 2 packs are the new DX. They can charge way more that way.
I think DX is simply the PERS system, and for true classic figs, and as clipper says, very few superheroes are instant classics
good by 2011/2012 standards

vintage years my good sir
Keaton is perfect even by today's standards, what are you talking about? That is Keaton under the cowl. Can't improve on it.
yeah hot toys has dropped the ball with the Loki HS. IMO, he looks too healthy in the HS and his cheeks are too full. In the movie they are not full and lively at all really.