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That's a photoshop paint job of this Cop Joker shot.


You wouldn't happen to have a larger version of that photoshop, would you?

Why do you feel the urge to sign your name at the bottom of your posts? We know your username, you don't gotta put in each post lol :p
Maglor I demand you make me one of those do hickeys for my police badge

LOL! Its easy to make your own, just check my directions a few pages back...

I recommend that you do it carefully though. I redid mine with matte black paint and got a little bit sloppy. To make a long story short, in an effort to clean up my mess, I ended up scratching the paint :horror:horror as can be seen here:


I was crest fallen... actually that's an understatement... there was definitely some profanity!:banghead

Anyway, after thinking about it for about a week I decided to repaint the worst of it. Looks pretty good now:


The ironic thing is that the whole reason for doing the "do hickey" thing was that I didn't want to permanently modify the badge by gluing something to the back...

Well, now that I have permanently modified it by painting it I have decided to go ahead and glue a 'clip' to the back anyway, thus abandoning my whole 'do hickey' idea!!!

I have checked ebay and there are a couple people selling Joker Badges for a reasonable price, so I will order one of those to keep my figure complete and then display him with my moded badge.

Now off to find a piece of plastic that I can glue to the back!:cool:
Oh, and on the subject of buying Joker parts... any suggestions on where I can find a good machine gun to display the DX with?

I don't own the BR Joker so I can't use that gun.

Ebay had the BR Joker machine gun for $30 shipped... seemed a bit steep to me.
#1 thing i learned from The Dark Knight - The Joker likes this job - he likes it.
Yeah but I don't remember you saying anything about how to do the black strip over the badge.

I'm so glad you asked! I took the pictures below just in case:rolleyes::

Step one: Buy some 1/8" ribbon from your local fabric or hobby store (I bought mine at Hobby Lobby.)


Cut off a piece and it will look like this if you wrap it around the badge:


If you like the look of this then skip to step 3. If it looks to thick (as it does to me) then follow the next step.

Step 2: Cut the ribbon lengthwise to desired width using a exacto blade and ruler.


If you choose to include this step then there is no need to try and find a narrow 1/8" ribbon. Any black ribbon that you find lying around would work I suppose, as you are trimming it anyway.

Step three: Super Glue the ribbon in place. Rather than gluing it directly to the badge, I recommend gluing the ribbon to a piece of paper. I used the backing that a sticker was on, as it was less likely to let the glue bleed through. Hopefully this picture will make it clear what I mean:


If you were careful with the glue you should be able to slip the ribbon up and down to get the position just right.

Kind of putsy work, but I enjoyed it.

And again, the finished product:


(My wife thinks I'm nutz!)
Why do you feel the urge to sign your name at the bottom of your posts? We know your username, you don't gotta put in each post lol :p

Honestly never gave it much thought. Didn't figure anyone else would either.

Its certainly less obtrusive than many of the pictures people have at the bottom of every post (such as, for instance, the giant "Lost Santa Harry Potter on a broomstick in a snowstorm" at the bottom of yours -- and, oddly enough, it has your user handle in it).

yea...ok reverend jim.

psst what does a yellow light mean?:confused:

"Slow down."

"Whaaat doooeeess aaa yeelllowww liiightt meeeaaannn?"


"Whaaaaaattt dooooeeeessss aaaaaa yyyeeeeelllloooowwww liiiiggghtt meeeeeaaaaannnnnnnn?"


"WWWWhhhhhaaaaaaaaattttttttt dddddddddddooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss ...."

Haha ... Taxi ... classic Christopher Lloyd as brain-fried Jim Ignitowski. Funny stuff.

Honestly never gave it much thought. Didn't figure anyone else would either.

Its certainly less obtrusive than many of the pictures people have at the bottom of every post (such as, for instance, the giant "Lost Santa Harry Potter on a broomstick in a snowstorm" at the bottom of yours -- and, oddly enough, it has your user handle in it).


If I had been drinking milk I would have just spewed it all over the place.