Insufferable S.O.B.
The best futzing I've seen on the DX yet.
Photo By Nykhö
Nice but I don't recall Joker posing at a fashion show.
The best futzing I've seen on the DX yet.
Photo By Nykhö
It's kind of dark right now, so I'm not 100% sure, but they seem pretty close, if not identical - the Joker's coat might be a little bit lighter in shade, though.
Of course, the inner lining of the Joker's coat is bright red, and Harvey's is black (even though it was bright red in the movie)
harvey dent jacket is similar in color but that is it the jacket is cut different and is different kind of material
i also want to try and actually damage the jacket so that the red lining peeks through.
How much are these guys actually selling for on Ebay nowadays?
Nykho is a good pal of mine, he said that it was a pain in the ass to display the vest in the right way.The best futzing I've seen on the DX yet.
Photo By Nykhö
Nykho is a good pal of mine, he said that it was a pain in the ass to display the vest in the right way.
I'm lucky to have got this one when it came out. If I've learned anything collecting it's 1/6 is to jump on these figures when they come out. It's not like they are gonna go on sale at TRU or something, and the aftermarket sucks. I wish I woulda held off on harvey dent though. I think that's a great figure and didn't realize it wouldn't sell that great.
Everytime I look at the joker DX I get psyched.
Just noticed some of the paint chipping on my police joker's left white-gloved hand where he holds the gun. Anyone else notice this?