Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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But you're not at the top of the page for people who have more than 10 posts per page...

Any hard data? Because I would assume most long-time posters would've adjusted their post-per-page count at some point. And most of us are long-time posters...

It does. There is more total loading time doing it in multiple small chunks.

More importantly, context switching in the human brain makes repetitive cycles of loading and reading much slower than loading all at once and then just reading through. (It's the same reason two monitors is MUCH faster for doing any task rather than alt-tabbing)

When I found you could increase the post-per-page count, I discovered that reading through these boards was a much smoother (and more pleasant) experience.

So how do you increase the post per page count ?
So how do you increase the post per page count ?

Go to the "User CP" by clicking on it at the top of your screen (under the "Sideshow Freaks" banner logo, between "Community" and "Calendar").

On the left-hand side, scroll down to the "Edit Options" link.

It should be in the "Thread Display Options" box, where you can set the number of posts to show per page.
Hey, does anyone have the V1 pants they'd be willing to trade for the DX pants? I have an extra pair of DX pants with suspenders that I'm willing to part with. PM me if you do, thanks.
Im bashing a bank robber Joker and I need the gray jacket, does anyone know if the DX Jokers inside gray blazer is the same or close to the same as the BR one?
Shame. Why did you sell them all? out of curiosity...

I'd had most of them since they were first released and after a few years of enjoying them, I grew tired of them - didn't excite me to just look at them anymore or futz them till I got them perfect so I thought I'd let other enjoy them and sold them on. However, I'm looking forward to Jack Sparrow - one ultimate fig of him he will go with my Enterbay Jack Bauer. I only collect figures called Jack lol.
Which Dark Knight Joker is best for.....?

I'd like to get the best possible Dark Knight JOKER to display. But here's my question. WHICH Joker is the best if I wanted to give him a 1:6th wooden pencil, and have him holding it as if to ask us if we want to see a Magic Trick? :rotfl

I didn't know which brand or which brand or model or make would be the best. I thought I'd ask advice before I buy.

Also, should I consider any custom parts or pieces? I noticed a lot of people do custom heads for Heath Ledger.

Thank you for the advice!!!!!
I'd like to get the best possible Dark Knight JOKER to display. But here's my question. WHICH Joker is the best if I wanted to give him a 1:6th wooden pencil, and have him holding it as if to ask us if we want to see a Magic Trick? :rotfl

I didn't know which brand or which brand or model or make would be the best. I thought I'd ask advice before I buy.

Also, should I consider any custom parts or pieces? I noticed a lot of people do custom heads for Heath Ledger.

Thank you for the advice!!!!!
For the look with the pencil, DX Joker is the way to go, because that seems to be the scene that was the inspiration for the figure (the figure also comes with the grenade contraption). However, I personally prefer a CUSTOMIZED V1 Joker body with the extra BR Joker head. That head is superior to the DX head in my opinion.

Be warned, you mentioned the word custom in the DC section. You still have a few minutes before the hounds sniff you out.
Seriously. WTF Nam?? GTFO of here with that ____.
Well my joker is crosseyed now.

This sucks!







That's why I never touch my rod. Never touch your PERS rod, you'll go cross eyed!:lecture
No, you can talk about customs here as long as the discussion doesn't go too far off the rails (since this is a DX Joker thread at the end of the day).

Some folks went overboard and pulled this thread off track previously, with discussions that belonged in custom figure threads, and people got pissed off, conflicts arose, insults were hurled, feelings were hurt, off-shoot religions were formed, civilizations rose and fell, etc. Not pretty.
hahahaha Okay, that makes sense. I'll remember to ask custom questions in the custom section! Thanks for the heads up.