Hot Toys - MMS DX 11 - TDK: The Joker 2.0 Collectible Figure specs and pics

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I just hope the paint on the teeth turn out okay. It's not clean cut enough on a lot of HT figures with teeth-bearing sculpts.
I think the PERS head on this is the best Heath as Joker sculpt ever made. Better than the laughing face, which looks... Pudgy to me.

Adam's customs look more like ledger out of character, but I prefer this.

Whats your opinion on mrm 4.0 Joker sculpt Mags?
I think the laughing sculpt looks more like ledger but I still prefer the smirk sculpt. I dont like expression in figures, especially teeth showing. Not a fan of the mrm heads either personally. Love Adam's though
i prefer the smirk sculpt to the smiling. looking forward to this release though, will be really cool to get all those accessories. but i'm hoping they have suspenders on the pants cuz i havent seen them in any of the pics and they werent listed in the itemization--and hot toys tends to list everything they do with a figure. also, i wish they had done longer fingernails on the bare hands, and smeared them with makeup. hopefully they got the gloves right this time, too. anyway, still looking forward to the release.
It's even worse than HT Indiana Jones! (rolls eyes)

Let's see... will I cancel my order because Kia doesn't like the sculpt??...

Um, no.

Uh...I didn't cancel mine either. I didn't say I didn't like it either. I just said it didn't look like ledger, and it obviously doesn't. The sculpt is still cool....why are you such an angry internet boy? Shall I assume it's because you're successful at life? Um, no.
Well, it looks quite like Ledger but I bet if you painted it flesh coloured it wouldn't look like him. I do really like the sculpt though. Laughing sculpt is dead on ledger to me though :)

Exactly, this is what I was thinking. It definitely looks like the joker but if the makeup was off I'm not sure I'd recognize the sculpt
I've got most the parts PO'd to bash a second. The shirt, vest, body, pants.
Just have to buy a few more things when TA breaks him down.
Uh...I didn't cancel mine either. I didn't say I didn't like it either. I just said it didn't look like ledger, and it obviously doesn't. The sculpt is still cool....why are you such an angry internet boy? Shall I assume it's because you're successful at life? Um, no.

Quoted so you can't delete or modify.

I say I disagree with you about a sculpt and write this.

You've said far more about yourself than you've said about me.
Quoted so you can't delete or modify.

I say I disagree with you about a sculpt and write this.

You've said far more about yourself than you've said about me.

It's even worse than HT Indiana Jones! (rolls eyes)

Let's see... will I cancel my order because Kia doesn't like the sculpt??...

Um, no.

Quoted so you can't delete or modify. Where did you say you disagree about the headsculpt? I said it didn't look like ledger and where did you say it does?

Get a life. I used the same sarcastic tone you did. You never did answer why you're such an angry Internet boy? Except now I think your a sensitive little man with a big mouth. Maybe the Internet is too rough for you
I'm not angry or sensitive. We disagree about the sculpt looking like Ledger. Maybe I wasn't clear before.

I think the hs is good enough to pass as the Joker. I sense you would like to repaint the face without makeup, perhaps as part of your Brokenack Mountain custom. It may not work in your case.

I'm glad we cleared that up.
Get a life. I used the same sarcastic tone you did.

No you didn't. You escalated the exchange well beyond sarcasm and launched into a patronising and demeaning sequence of remarks. Maybe you can't see it, but, like Ledger's likeness in the PERS sculpt, just about everyone else can.