Hot Toys - MMS DX 11 - TDK: The Joker 2.0 Collectible Figure specs and pics

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Hello everyone. Infrequent but longtime member here.

I live in Korea and just picked up my DX11 Joker.

I'm going to eat some chow and spend some more time with him and get back to you all on thoughts.

For now I'll just say that most of your fears (From what I could gather from the thread) should be allayed by the time you get him in hand.

This is my favorite hot toys release to date next to the Jack Joker. Opening this bad boy up and exploring through the box was probably the best unboxing experience I've had with a figure in a long time, but then again this is my first figure that includes a diorama and furniture on top of all the other goodies.

I imagine you guys felt something similar when you opened your Don Corleones for the first time.
Opening this bad boy up and exploring through the box was probably the best unboxing experience I've had with a figure in a long time.

Good to hear :) Since I've scaled back my spending to a trickle, DX11 is one of two POs I have at the moment. When this arrives I'm sure I'll enjoy the hell out of it.
My detailed run down:

-everything screams quality

-The Clothing: is tailored wonderfully, every last bit. the fit is excellent in every way. the overcoat is not baggy like some feared. My DX came out of the box PERFECTLY futzed. I was amazed. The tie and shirt collar are things to behold coming from other suited figures.

-the jacket: IS a bit furry. not pimp daddy level, but yeah its there. you have to be closer to notice, but in some areas it's very noticeable, particularly the shoulders and lapels. it is also going to be a dust magnet, especially larger pieces of lint and fiber.i put him down on my bed for a minute and he picked up a lot of fibers from just that. going to need to wash and dry your hands with microfiber cloth everytime you want to futz the thing.

the fit, the drape and cut however are top notch, including the shoulders. those are non-issues. it is maybe slightly heavier than the DX01 coat but not as heavy as some might be assuming. the sleeve ends ARE flared. The shoulders don't come as horizontally boxy as the prototype but they do remain straight and flat, not crumply like Dx01. the lapels are kept in place by tiny magnets and they are strong and 'click' right into place. I wish they went this route for the vest because it's the same old snaps and i'm never going to open them again, they just feel way too frail. as for the coat, even the manual tells you to not rub the material or expose it to certain chemicals. when hot toys bothers to tells you something is delicate, you know they mean it. the coat is extremely soft. for those wanting to weather the coat, you might want to think twice about it and make sure the materials you plan to use don't contain the chemicals listed. also, thanks to the cut of the suit, no cutting or modding of the inner coat will be needed imo. overall the material may bother some but there's no doubt in the high, above-standard quality and cut of said material.

edit: the purple of the coat photographs badly. No offense to OMG's photos but i think this is an overall issue with the purple. the color is far more like jack's joker and more screen accurate imo. the pictures of this guy so far make the coat look like a weird violet purple with a sort of berry/blue tint to it. this is not the case in hand and in basic room lighting.

-PERS sculpt: is amazing. Microdots or whatever for me are impossible to see even when I'm looking at it up close. I can't see any on mine at all and I've strained to try. It's just too small to discern with the naked eye, at least mine. if this is the future of Hot Toys paint apps, then I welcome it with open arms. the difference that is so clear in some of the zoomed pics between the eyebrow paint and the under eye 'drip' is very difficult to see or notice in hand. the PERS system is disguised extremely well. took me a while to figure out how to access it!

-Laughing sculpt is better than expected. remember the figure exists in 3 dimensions in hand. in hand things are always different since it's actually...well there in front of you and not a static fixed image. i wasnt excited about this sculpt and now i am. one odd thing is that it is a bit...glossy. glossy in a way that the PERS sculpt isn't. not a problem but odd.

-Accessories: are top notch. the dio is really cool, lots of love put into it. maybe the picture used is a bit low resolution but the quality of it overall, the thickness, the way it fits together with velcro, the 'mirror' like material put into the sides, all of it is excellent. not just a glorified piece of cardboard stuck inside.

-the table and chair: do not feel like cheap plastic after thoughts. they're solid, sturdy, come with faux velvet bottoms to avoid scratching any surface you display them on and even the lamp is die cast metal and magnetic.

that's all i gotta say for now, any questions feel free to ask. overall i'm pretty overwhelmed by the figure, but the coat will be divisive for people still even though i think it will win over a good amount of those on the fence about it once they have it in hand.
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My detailed run down:

-everything screams quality

-The Clothing: is tailored wonderfully, every last bit. the fit is excellent in every way. the overcoat is not baggy like some feared. My DX came out of the box PERFECTLY futzed. I was amazed. The tie and shirt collar are things to behold coming from other suited figures.

-the jacket: IS a bit furry. not pimp daddy level, but yeah its there. you have to be closer to notice, but in some areas it's very noticeable, particularly the shoulders and lapels. it is also going to be a dust magnet, especially larger pieces of lint and fiber.i put him down on my bed for a minute and he picked up a lot of fibers from just that. going to need to wash and dry your hands with microfiber cloth everytime you want to futz the thing.

the fit, the drape and cut however are top notch, including the shoulders. those are non-issues. the sleeve ends ARE flared. The shoulders don't come as horizontally boxy as the prototype but they do remain straight and flat, not crumply like Dx01. a problem however, is that even the manual tells you to not rub the material or expose it to certain chemicals. when hot toys bothers to tells you something is delicate, you know they mean it. for those wanting to weather the coat, you might want to think twice about it and make sure the materials you plan to use don't contain the chemicals listed. also, thanks to the cut of the suit, no cutting or modding of the inner coat will be needed imo. overall the material may bother some but there's no doubt in the high, above-standard quality and cut of said material.

-PERS sculpt: is amazing. Microdots or whatever for me are impossible to see even when I'm looking at it up close. I can't see any on mine at all and I've strained to try. It's just too small to discern with the naked eye, at least mine. if this is the future of Hot Toys paint apps, then I welcome it with open arms. the difference that is so clear in some of the zoomed pics between the eyebrow paint and the under eye 'drip' is very difficult to see or notice in hand. the PERS system is disguised extremely well. took me a while to figure out how to access it!

-Laughing sculpt is better than expected. remember the figure exists in 3 dimensions in hand. in hand things are always different since it's actually...well there in front of you and not a static fixed image. i wasnt excited about this sculpt and now i am. one odd thing is that it is a bit...glossy. glossy in a way that the PERS sculpt isn't. not a problem but odd.

-Accessories: are top notch. the dio is really cool, lots of love put into it. maybe the picture used is a bit low resolution but the quality of it overall, the thickness, the way it fits together with velcro, the 'mirror' like material put into the sides, all of it is excellent. not just a glorified piece of cardboard stuck inside.

-the table and chair: do not feel like cheap plastic after thoughts. they're solid, sturdy, come with faux velvet bottoms to avoid scratching any surface you display them on and even the lamp is die cast metal and magnetic.

that's all i gotta say for now, any questions feel free to ask. overall i'm pretty overwhelmed by the figure, but the coat will be divisive for people still even though i think it will win over a good amount of those on the fence about it once they have it in hand.

Thank you, buddy, for a detailed review on the figure. Now I'm all excited to get this :)

Enjoy your figure and I hope you could also post some photos!
Nice post laudanum09, certainly offered a great insight on what people are getting.

Doesn't seem so bad from the sounds of it, though I'd guess the coat will be special case that can divide people considering how delicate it sounds.
Great post laudanum09!! No fanboy hysterics or troll attacks, just a fun measured read! Cant wait to get mine - love all the little details you point out!
updated my post with an interesting tidbit I just discovered....

....the lapels on the overcoat are kept in place with MAGNETS...yes. I dunno if this is old news or what but it's a huge plus on this suit. folding or creasing lapels won't ever be an issue. only worry is that they might pop off? i suppose nothing some fabric glue can't fix, but still. i've already dropped a 'button' from my undershirt. i dunno how to get it back on but i guess its no big loss.
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Crappy phone pic, incoming!


once again, this is NOT the shade of purple in hand. It's actually quite weird how completely wrong the color comes out in a photo.
Yeah, the DX11 coat does look very..."furry" in some of the photos, but who knows, maybe it will look good in hand :pray:
Why would Kato choose that particular fabric if it doesn't look good in 1/6 scale? :slap

From what I recall he found it hard to get the right color for the Joker coat so only that fabric was available for the right color coat. :thud:
that doesn't actually make sense. there's this thing called dye....

also, laudanum09 says the color is fine in-hand, just photographs weirdly.
that doesn't actually make sense. there's this thing called dye....

also, laudanum09 says the color is fine in-hand, just photographs weirdly.

Yeah I know but I don't think Kato wanted to dye them for some reason, it is in that Kato Joker suit thread somewhere. :dunno

I never said the color wasn't fine, I said Kato chose that fabric material for the color to be fine.
Guys, just FYI, since this thing photographs so oddly, the color in-hand is basically the same color as the photos of the proto in the original promo pics on the first page of this thread. Looked through other pics and that's the best comparison to the color in-hand.

Also, the vest isn't as bright as you'd think.

'salmon' orange lining on the's kind of surreal!