Hot Toys - MMS DX 11 - TDK: The Joker 2.0 Collectible Figure specs and pics

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Laughing sculpt looks really good there. Can see the leadger likeness pretty clearly, it's just a shame it's so scene specific, but the regular skulpt is doing nothing for me at all. I havn't seen a single image that makes it look like ledger. Dunno whats throwing it off. PERS? Mouth? Nose? A combo of everything? Love the amount of stuff you get with it though.

Void, neo and I pointed out months ago what is wrong with the normal sculpt and that is that the jaw shape is wrong, the PERS just takes the realism away from the figure. I cant see anything wrong with the laughing face but I am sure there must be something wrong with it. Nevertheless, I still prefer the normal sculpt it still looks like Ledger, even though it is inaccurate.

I don't see much point in comparing the handmade kato clothes to the mass produced HT version until we have actual in hand side by side comparisons.


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I can't believe people saying it dont look like ledger, I was told not to bother coming on these boards, think I'm starting to see what people where talking about

As much as I like the DX11 head sculpt and paint app, I wish it didn't have the smirk. It makes him look a bit like Tobey Maguire....:lol


uh... no. . . :dunno:dunno
Personally I love the new DX11 so far from all the pix ive seen. Is it 100% accurate in my eyes? No....but i dont think Kato's custom coat is accurate either.

I agree it is not accurate, it is too thick but it does not look like a bathrobe like this 2.0 one does.

The thing I thought his customs had going for them was the natural fit of the clothing on the body (looked 1:1 and pressed) and the tailoring of the clothing. THAT is where he succeeded. The fit and style is magnificent.


Yeah I agree those were his strengths.

Not the purple fuzz toilet seat cover though. Not sure why anyone would use that material, well, other than Medicom.



If you owned Kato's handmade coat you would know it it not made out of this fluffy material and looks nothing like this!

As much as I like the DX11 head sculpt and paint app, I wish it didn't have the smirk. It makes him look a bit like Tobey Maguire....:lol

I think they aimed for the smirk to bring the Ledger's Joker character out of the sculpt as it one of these expressions which makes Ledger look like the Joker in the film.

However, sculpting a smirk like this is a risk and they have messed up other areas of the sculpt but the sculpt is good enough IMO.
Looking forward to comparing notes with Rory.

Hopefully his shots will convey a proper sense of the coat's color. The fabric is already pretty much what you see is what you get.

Color, material and cut is pretty much exactly the same as the image posted earlier of Adam's sculpt on what is purportedly a Kato original. I can't see any difference between my coat and the one in that picture except for a few futzing differences and a better job on the vest snap placement.

laudanum09, any chance you could measure the height and width of the dio? A lot of us are wondering if it will fit in our detolf displays without modification.

Mainly need the width of the back "wall"


Coming from someone who once owned a Detolf, I'd say it won't fit, but I could be wrong, its been a few years since I've owned one. The back piece might fit by itself, height wise shouldn't be a problem and if you can fit a DX box in a Detolf, you can probably fit the Dio's back piece but you'd have to sacrifice the side walls (detachable via velcro).

I'm sure Rory will snap some pics of the assembled dio so you guys can see for yourself.
First reactions...

Before making any real comments, I guess it's important to note that this is of course the best commercially produced 1/6 Joker we have seen.
Now that that's out of the way...

Clothing is very sharp, much more colourful than previous versions (shirt, tie, coat).

Overall package is very impressive, for sheer amount of cool stuff.

The squint/laughing sculpt is great, you CANNOT see the dot matrix with the naked eye. Both sculpts are very shiny. Wet look almost.
I personally don't like the regular sculpt at all. The likeness is away off, looks ok with head down. The mouth is very softly sculpted, the printing fashion seems to have compensated for some detail. Maybe we have seen too many really good custom Jokers that nailed the sculpt. I dunno. A lot of people will be very happy with this one.

The coat is furry, but still looks good.

First major gripe, very loose knees. One foot longer than another, simple fix to push it in, but still, I will need to tighten the knees.

Shoes are awesome, really really good for this scale.

More later..with some pics..
Rory's initial review snip

I prefer the PERS head in terms of accuracy over the laughing sculpt, but I'm not going to speak on what is accurate or not objectively, just as I see it in terms of the image I get in my head. My sculpt is positioned more straight on/a bit up. I like it much more than looking down.

Just goes to show how divisive he might end up being despite a generally positive consensus. I for one think they hit it out of the park with the sculpt but at this point, after five sculpts of this guy, everyone else should be just as satisfied as I am and that's apparently not the case. There's only so much personal preference can account for so the accuracy warriors definitely have that on their side of the argument.

I'm going to have to tighten my knees eventually as well but my feet pegs, i.e. the new wrist joint style pegs, feel equally loose.

the shoes are awesome too. Can't wait to see some action pics putting the shoe blades to use.
great!! I can't wait to see your pics rory.
little concerned about the shiny look, but I really don't see it on the released pics. I'll have to wait to have it in hand I think. Maybe a matt barnish can fix it if I don't like it
great!! I can't wait to see your pics rory.
little concerned about the shiny look, but I really don't see it on the released pics. I'll have to wait to have it in hand I think. Maybe a matt barnish can fix it in case I don't like it

I dunno, I don't see it at all on my PERS head, comes across as a matte finish to me and the paint detailing looks the best out of all the Jokers so far and I've owned all five prior releases.

One thing is for sure now that Rory has chimed in, the Microdots cannot by seen by the naked eye.
First reactions...

Before making any real comments, I guess it's important to note that this is of course the best commercially produced 1/6 Joker we have seen.
Now that that's out of the way...

Clothing is very sharp, much more colourful than previous versions (shirt, tie, coat).

Overall package is very impressive, for sheer amount of cool stuff.

The squint/laughing sculpt is great, you CANNOT see the dot matrix with the naked eye. Both sculpts are very shiny. Wet look almost.
I personally don't like the regular sculpt at all. The likeness is away off, looks ok with head down. The mouth is very softly sculpted, the printing fashion seems to have compensated for some detail. Maybe we have seen too many really good custom Jokers that nailed the sculpt. I dunno. A lot of people will be very happy with this one.

The coat is furry, but still looks good.

First major gripe, very loose knees. One foot longer than another, simple fix to push it in, but still, I will need to tighten the knees.

Shoes are awesome, really really good for this scale.

More later..with some pics..

Thanks for the short review Rory but can you tell us why you think the normal sculpt likeness is off?
..the rag doll feel of the figure straight out of the box have somewhat dampened my opinion of it to be honest. I know it's fixable, but...

How you receive this Joker very much depends on your Joker collecting history I believe. If one has just purchased the HT sets than this is by far the best. But we have seen so many stunning custom headsculpts in the last few years that it's hard to be blown away by this one. I have been futzing him a bit, and have gotten a few angles where I can see ledger in there, the only thing I can compare it to fairly (commercially released) is Enterbays 1/4. And it doesn't really.

Again these are my straight thoughts after opening box, not expecting anyone else to feel the same. The knees though? ****. I have to be careful even with it on the stand that the legs don't give way and the thing topples.
Thanks for the short review Rory but can you tell us why you think the normal sculpt likeness is off?

Well it looks like a very advanced version of their DX joker but this time chewing gum. Yes it can be posed to look cool, i'm doing that right now, but as far as looking like Ledger, well it's in the eye of the holder, but I don't see a lot of it in the regular sculpt. :dunno
Damn Rory. Sounds like it's an issue with your true type specifically rather than a general one because mine are loose but not as bad as yours.

What do you think about the green vest? This is my least favorite part of the outfit because of the snaps. How did yours turn out?
As someone who eschews stands, I was kinda hoping this rather pricey dollie would be able to safely stand up on its own.
Well it looks like a very advanced version of their DX joker but this time chewing gum. Yes it can be posed to look cool, i'm doing that right now, but as far as looking like Ledger, well it's in the eye of the holder, but I don't see a lot of it in the regular sculpt. :dunno

Ok so you don't think the likeness is as good as Enterbays then?

What about the tailoring? I am not a fan of Enterbays figure but I think the tailoring looks better on Enterbays especially the coat than on Hot Toys one IMO. Enterbays figure looks like a real person wearing a suit coat and not a thick coat. I find Hot Toys one still looks too much like a doll with bulky clothing at least with the coat on. :dunno
Green vest looks fine. And I don't believe it's a particular problem with my truetype, it never is in my experience, all these parts are manufactured separately en masse. They are all the same apart from the hand finishes. Who knows?

Tailoring all round is excellent. Furry jacket not really an issue in hand, although it is very bright.