Super Freak
i know its probaly been posted but when do they think shipping on these guys will happen, got a pre order from onesixthbruce hope its not soon, too many bills, might have to pimp the girlfriend out
Keatons was great and probably the most useful it's ever been. It's pretty nice on Joker too. I admit it gives figures more options are far as posing and facial expression is concerned. I just feel regular sculpted eyes look better.
i know its probaly been posted but when do they think shipping on these guys will happen, got a pre order from onesixthbruce hope its not soon, too many bills, might have to pimp the girlfriend out
I prefer something that looks better than something that gives me more options and lacks realism.
So do other companies get the figures before SS even though they are the main distributor? I thought most companies (Alterego, BBTS) get their supply from SS?
SS won't ship until March due to the Chinese New Year in Feb.
dont know mate not sure, if it is march then thats fine phew
Oh ok. Same here. I pay for all my figures in full so I got Bane and Joker in March annnnnd Catwoman if they keep to their schedule but I think she will be delayed.
well i pre ordered, joker, but just paid for bane should be here friday, catwoman will be bought. selling most of collection i went a bit mental, just want nolan batman and other fav movies, after bane hopefully blitzways carlito brigante.
glad i held on to my dx01 just use the smirking headsculpt on that body and the laughing on a interrogation scene, cant wait
Jack Sparrow is one of the few figures that has benefited from PERS.
Has it been mentioned yet if the laughing sculpt head will fit on the DX01 Joker body without any mods?
The mod to put the BW sculpt on my DX02 Batman wasn't hard, but I'm hoping this doesn't need anything.
i'll give you $1 for it.
kidding. i love my dx01 in spite of how it pales in comparison to this. i won't love it any less when this one arrives.
i dont even think the dx01 looks that bad... i still think the best is bank robber.. but the dx01 reminds me of joker meets the mob and i can still see heath it in a tad bit.. i love this one but the 275$ makes me look different on it. but ill keep both as i collect joker items lol
Don't forget Cop Joker.
cop joker is fantastic ... it just looks eerie