I had the same problem. One of the eyes was crossed-eyed while the other one looked straight ahead. At first I was super pissed off, and felt fuc%ed! I went on the web and did some research. Some people suggested what was mentioned earlier, i.e. taking the pers apart and moving the eyes individually. I felt very uncomfortable about doing that so I just left it for about a week. When I revisited the problem, I took the pers tool that comes with the figure, and just started to move the eyes very, very carefully and slowly...up and down and side to side...and eventually they evened out. Maybe give it a try. Hope it works for you. These toys are super cool, but they cost a lot of money, so when they fuc^ up, you can't help but get pissed. The quality control should be perfect. The purchaser shouldn't have to be dealing with taking the head sculpt apart. Best of luck.