Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &
Gonna be 1 hell of a Xmas
Gonna be 1 hell of a Xmas

I say 2 of those figures actually make it out that month
Probably Black Widow and Batman. Least amount of stuff on those two that can go wrong.
Batman has the most amount of stuff that could go wrong IMO
All those armour plates have to be glued on
Yeah, but once they get that process down, it'll go quickly. I think mass producing the tailored clothes of Joker would be a bigger problem.
Sorry, but unfinished in what way?
If you're refering to Robin John Blake, then he is clearly going to be the next Batman in Nolanverse because that is the core of Nolan's trilogy. That Batman is a symbol, not an individual, not a vigilante.
That is why he faked his own death, because clearly Blake was reluctant to don a mask when Bruce confronted him as Batman because Blake understood the importance of the symbol. Bruce Wayne sees this which is why he didn't hesitate to reveal his identity to Gordon (that and the fact that there were more and more people knowing his identity in the movie).
That's why with Bruce out of the picture, Blake can don the mask and cape to continue Bruce's legacy as the symbol. Becoming other than Batman (i.e. Robin or Nightwing) would be too much because you will be constantly compared to Batman and you have to bring your name to the same level as Batman. And all you do is actually destroy the basic theme of having Batman AS the symbol.
So the story is pretty much over. Any kind of continuity would have to be carried by a different director with a different vision for the character or by being carried forward through comics which to me is the best medium to continue Nolanverse. Though you won't be seeing Blake as Batman meeting up with Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, and Flash, much less teaming up with them in an orbitting space station/headquarter.
Yeah that was a great post, spot on
I was like.... "Huh? Have you forgotten what the whole trilogy is about?"
Gee... thanks guys
what's the point of going from rooftop to rooftop wearing a mask if you're going to call yourself by your real name?
People really think the thighs are "chubby"?![]()
Batman has the most amount of stuff that could go wrong IMO
All those armour plates have to be glued on
I'm really excited about my first CB Batman figure, but does anybody else fear the "armor" peeling off the mesh suit?
Sorry, but unfinished in what way?
If you're refering to Robin John Blake, then he is clearly going to be the next Batman in Nolanverse because that is the core of Nolan's trilogy. That Batman is a symbol, not an individual, not a vigilante.
That is why he faked his own death, because clearly Blake was reluctant to don a mask when Bruce confronted him as Batman because Blake understood the importance of the symbol. Bruce Wayne sees this which is why he didn't hesitate to reveal his identity to Gordon (that and the fact that there were more and more people knowing his identity in the movie).
That's why with Bruce out of the picture, Blake can don the mask and cape to continue Bruce's legacy as the symbol. Becoming other than Batman (i.e. Robin or Nightwing) would be too much because you will be constantly compared to Batman and you have to bring your name to the same level as Batman. And all you do is actually destroy the basic theme of having Batman AS the symbol.
So the story is pretty much over. Any kind of continuity would have to be carried by a different director with a different vision for the character or by being carried forward through comics which to me is the best medium to continue Nolanverse. Though you won't be seeing Blake as Batman meeting up with Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, and Flash, much less teaming up with them in an orbitting space station/headquarter.
I think Blake was introduced too prematurely by Nolan to carry on the "Batman legacy". I pointed it out before, that Blake doesn't have physical capabilities that one would expect of the Dark Knight. Regardless of what his moral code may be, at the end of the day, he's just a police officer that was trained in the use of fire arms and limited amounts of self defense. So, unless Bruce Wayne cuts short his vacation with Selena Kyle and returns to Gotham to train Blake himself - Blake would, most likely, have to break Batman's "one rule" to never take a life, in order to preserve his own life, due to his own lack of abilities.
Just knowing the importance of Batman and what he represents isn't enough. There's brutal physical and mental training involved, which may take years to accomplish - just like it did with Bruce Wayne.
But isn't that what the new series would be about?