HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs & Pics

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Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

licensors approve on everything that's sales.

Not by a long shot. Intellectual property is valuable and there's little chance any licensor wants to risk damaging nor diluting their brand. Some companies are more carefree about what they approve than others, but you better believe that all of them have criteria that go far beyond whether or not any product will simply sell. There are a few accounts in this forum alone of specific licensing issues with Hot Toys and Sideshow regarding the approval process. As part of any licensing deal there's also a contract that specifies what can and can't be created/sold. You might be surprised that some product licenses may not even include the permission to use an actor's likeness. Obviously this wasn't the case with Hot Toys because their market is most specifically about the character and actor's cinematic likeness.

Other than speculation there's no hard evidence why Hot Toys made the decisions it did with this or any other product. But, I think it's safe to assume it's not due to lack of ability/talent of their staff.
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Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

All of them are like that.

mine isn't. (yet) crosses fingers

the worst my box has is a small white spot on the corner where i set it down funny on an angle. i think a lot of people are getting there boxes this was because the shipper itself is a little too large for the dx box, it lets it shift around.


i took robbies faceplate and sanded it down. it looked fine from the front but stuck out too far from a side profile. the nose and eye line wouldn't match up if you where to take the cowl off and just have a head sitting there and it bothered me to no end :lol. this plus flat black to take the flesh from the outer eye line away is all this figure really needs in my eyes. the angry face plate is really the only decent one included with the figure...the smirk is silly and the growl is totally situational.

im not sure why the heck on earth they decided to not give this figure a neutral face included with seems like a natural option that everyone would need.

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Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Knows anyone if the custom cape can be ironed? Mine has some wrinkles, nothing serious, but...

if you are referring to lforigno's, you can iron them (I asked him about it)

You just have to make sure your iron is on the lowest heat setting possible (that way you won't melt the capes), I've done it with mine, with no problems

hope that helps.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Did Bruce just shave? He looks wet

lol, just my shatty 90's camera. it wont pick up the real color or tone of the faceplate. all the blacks in the suit throw its color balance and contrast off making the light shining on anything but the dark's look moist.

if the rest of the mid tone data was there it wouldn't look that way...oh well!
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

if you are referring to lforigno's, you can iron them (I asked him about it)

You just have to make sure your iron is on the lowest heat setting possible (that way you won't melt the capes), I've done it with mine, with no problems

hope that helps.

Thanks for the advice, mate ;)
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

I've done nothing but put mine on the shelf.

Those spending $100 for a new head and 30 for capes and such on top of the $250 are fewls. :lol

How is the stock cape? HT capes pretty ****ty, you gotta admit.

I think I'm done buying capes anyway. I bought a yard and 1/2 of fabric for $13 and I've made Vader, BB Bats and this capes and I still have a little left for something else in the future.

Although I gotta admit I bought the Keats cape from Tony Meis because the stock one drove me crazy. Well, we see how that turned out. :lol
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

i actually dont mind the stock cape. it looks great (a little too long for my liking though) and has a "decent" weight to it.

the bad about it is getting it futzed/trained out of the box to how it should lay. ive seen so many people that don't understand that the cape tips fold in to the inside of the cape when laying flat to his back. it drives my ocd nuts :panic:

once you get it trained to where it should be its not bad at all.

also whats up with people not understanding the clips? they can only go in one way why is it hard to understand :dunno
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

I left my cape stock for the DX 12 too.

The only ones I upgraded was the Toy Fairs Begins suit one and the '89 one. The only one that really needed it though was the TF Begins suit figure. That cape was horrible and poorly designed. Even the way the cape clips functioned was crap.

The DX 12? If you're just looking for the cape to hang over his back, like it does in a majority of the films, it's just fine.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Modified (L) stock (R)



I heat the left shoulder pad, still going to fix it some more for a more accurate look. It's a little better then the stock flat pad.

Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

True example of how the DX12 should've looked coming out of the box. The left one blows the right one away.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Finally got around to snapping pics of my figs.

5D3_3834.jpg by SteveDupuy, on Flickr

That is a good pic of Bats just lower the belt a little and is great, even the cape looks good, I did like 9 mods to my Bats but looking at this pic maybe I over did it, it looks good just like that, no need for special face plates, custom cape etc. congrats bro :clap
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Didn't even notice the belt was high. Thanks for the tip. I'll be sure to do that before he goes back in the case.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

In reference to the side x side modified vs stock

True example of how the DX12 should've looked coming out of the box. The left one blows the right one away.

I can see some differences, but it's totally subjective whether one is better than the other. The example on the right looks "bad" because it's a bad photograph. Look at the photo above in Simple's post of, what looks like to me, a stock DX12.

Differences between L+R that I (think I) see:

Wrists (some part of glove removed on L)
Upper Elbows (armor moved UP on L)
Thighs (thinner on L)
Eyes (squinted on L)
Faceplate (different one on L)

I can honestly say that I don't see anything different about the shoulder pads at all in any image.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

In reference to the side x side modified vs stock

I can see some differences, but it's totally subjective whether one is better than the other. The example on the right looks "bad" because it's a bad photograph. Look at the photo above in Simple's post of, what looks like to me, a stock DX12.

Differences between L+R that I (think I) see:

Wrists (some part of glove removed on L)
Upper Elbows (armor moved UP on L)
Thighs (thinner on L)
Eyes (squinted on L)
Faceplate (different one on L)

I can honestly say that I don't see anything different about the shoulder pads at all in any image.

Well lets just say a picture is worth a thousand words, but a picture just don't do justice. Just like a painting? People can speculate but they don't know what goes in it or what the artist is realy trying trying to say. My point is not showing which one is better or wrost. Just a photo of stock and modified version. And the stock is out of the box with no fuzing. I'm sure anyone who has one out of the box well move things around to get the figure looking much better. But next time don't just judge a photo and think you know it all. Lol. I haven't done notting to the thighs, it's all in the camera trick.