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I certainly have no problem with people still wanting to buy her. Regardless of the impression the character made, it's still a great looking figure that would look fantastic on the shelf next to Kylo.
i'm still excited for this figure.. i had been teetering back and forth on who i wanted flanking kylo ren. first up were the snowtroopers (the officer set) but since they weren't ever seen together in the movie, i cancelled. next up was the first order trooper officer two pack. i had that preordered for a while, especially since that's how we first see kylo ren in the movie, him walking out of his shuttle with those two.. but after seeing more and more photos of phasma, i've decided to suck up the extra cost and go with phasma and the officer. i think the variety will look good and they're both higher up in the chain of command. so, rather than him being flanked by an officer and a grunt, he'll be flanked by two higher ranking characters.

who knows.. i may change my mind between now and when they're released. but for now it'll be phasma and the single officer.

also, i just saw some stills from their SDCC panel, and wow she's tall. it's crazy how tall she is standing next to carrie fisher. i mean, when they pan across the entire panel the very top of her head isn't even in the shot.

Yeah Fett had much more of a mystique about him, and actually figured into more of the plot, with him being the bounty hunter who tracked the Falcon, had some tense words with Vader, got in a firefight with Luke, flew off with the frozen Han as part of the film's huge cliffhanger, etc.

Phasma basically just ordered some Stormtroopers around before getting tackled by Chewie and thrown down a garbage chute.

that.. and if i recall correctly, she was responsible for the rebels victory.
Yes, the design is still cool even if the character was a letdown. Still can't believe she capitulated that easily after that big speech about how well her troops were trained.
Wel I liked the character. I doubt she's a Cyborg, she mentions in the behind the scenes disc that she wanted to put a feminin touch to it with haven't a female 'breast plate' armour. Phasma doesn't really give off a feminin vibe until you hear her speak.

I was there in the 70's and I yes Boba Fett was interesting for sure but Phasmas story will grow.

Anyway, I'm excited for the figure, great design and overall look and I can't wait to see her catch up with Finn in the next episode.

I liked her too and I've been more and more tempted to get her even though I've managed to avoid getting anything from the new movie yet. The only exception is Rey/BB8 which I have on order and plan on Old Hand and that's it. But something about Phasma has me really tempted to have her be the sole representative of the First Order on my shelf.
Yes, the design is still cool even if the character was a letdown. Still can't believe she capitulated that easily after that big speech about how well her troops were trained.

I honestly didn't have a problem with that part of it. She did have a blaster pointed at her, after all, so I just accepted by that point that she had no other choice.

I mean I suppose she could have been one of those "I'll die before I ever help you" kind of villains who goes down fighting, but I kinda like the idea of Finn getting a chance to humble and humiliate his fearsome former commander at the end. And within the context of the movie that does seem to work pretty well. It's only because we had such high expectations for the character that it feels a bit frustrating.
I honestly didn't have a problem with that part of it. She did have a blaster pointed at her, after all, so I just accepted by that point that she had no other choice.

I mean I suppose she could have been one of those "I'll die before I ever help you" kind of villains who goes down fighting, but I kinda like the idea of Finn getting a chance to humble and humiliate his fearsome former commander at the end. And within the context of the movie that does seem to work pretty well. It's only because we had such high expectations for the character that it feels a bit frustrating.

Oh man, I'm sorry but I thought she was beyond terrible. I mean c'mon, she is supposed to be this great warrior and she deliberately takes the Starkiller base shields off-line thus leading to its destruction because an old man with a blaster threatens her. It made young Anakin's dumb luck in the Trade Federation control ship look epic. Please. In fact, that whole sequence was probably the most cringe-worthy exchange in all seven films. Cool character design be damned - I haven't even been able to bring myself to buy the 3 3/4 version of Phasma because she just sucks so bad.
Well maybe it helps that I thought the Starkiller Base storyline was a huge distraction and waste of time anyway. So I'm not really going to hold it against Phasma that she helped the good guys blow up the damn thing. :D
Well maybe it helps that I thought the Starkiller Base storyline was a huge distraction and waste of time anyway. So I'm not really going to hold it against Phasma that she helped the good guys blow up the damn thing. :D

:) Fair enough. She is very cool looking and I'm sure the HT figure will be awesome...
EU is the difference. And also the armor. Badass mandalorian gear against shiny stormtrooper armor.
She's a great looking character. Don't think the Fett comparisons do her any favors though. In terms of her actual character she's closer to any of a number of Imperial officers who had lines with Vader, etc.

Hopefully in the next flick she'll get a better story line.
Just giving her her own badass imperial ship and an assignment to track Rey down would fix all the problems with her.

Boba Fett does way more than her, that picture is stupid.


- is hired by Vader
- only bounty hunter with a speaking part
- talks with Vader
- tracks Han and the gang
- moves the plot forward by leading the Empire to Han's capture
- serves as an antagonist to the heroes by taking Han as a bounty
- lures Luke into a trap for Vader
- gets into a small fire fight with Luke
- escapes with Han setting up the sequel where his friends have to save him from Fett and Jabba


- questions Finn
- says a thing
- walks a corridor
- gets jumped
- thrown in the trash

She's barely a "character". More like a shiny trooper to sell toys.
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Boba Fett does way more than her, that picture is stupid.


- is hired by Vader
- only bounty hunter with a speaking part
- talks with Vader
- tracks Han and the gang
- moves the plot forward by leading the Empire to Han's capture
- serves as an antagonist to the heroes by taking Han as a bounty
- gets into a small fire fight with Luke
- escapes with Han setting up the sequel where his friends have to save him from Fett and Jabba


- questions Finn
- says a thing
- walks a corridor
- gets jumped
- thrown in the trash

She's barely a "character". More like a shiny trooper to sell toys.

Just to play devils advocate, "way more" is kind of a reach. Plus, she still has more movies to redeem her character.

In your list above, she's at least better than Fett's appearance in ROTJ:lol
The other movies aren't even out yet though.

I really don't understand why people are so quick to defend this. :lol

I mean c'mon. She barely has a minute of screen time and all she does is stand around talking about Finn. Is it because they're trying to justify a $250 toy because "hey, it looks cool"?
The other movies aren't even out yet though.

I really don't understand why people are so quick to defend this. :lol

I mean c'mon. She barely has a minute of screen time and all she does is stand around talking about Finn. Is it because they're trying to justify a $250 toy because "hey, it looks cool"?

Nobodys defending anything. It's just getting tired seeing random people, who have no interest buying this figure, popping in just to give reasons why they're not buying this figure and all these Boba Fett comparisons over and over in this thread. As I said before, it's a cool Star Wars character, there's no need to justify anything. Why rain on people's parade if they choose to buy this figure?

I understand that everybody has that right but that's why I posted the Fett comparison pic. I saw it and I immediately thought of this thread. That's all. I'm sure the video you posted is cool, but if you're in this thread, chances are you already know every scene of hers in the movie so there's really no need for YouTube videos for reminders.