Its all about HT doing a balls to the wall movie version of Blade. If HT is going to throw down the gauntlet by acquiring this license then the fans should politely but strongly insist on HT doing justice to
Snipes' likeness. Sorry HT but we now know what your capable of so youre a victim of your own success.
While the two picts below arent the same angle: Its evident work still needs to be done. The sculpt needs work on the hairline,cheeks,eyelids and brow.
Wesley has more upper lid showing. Blade is pretty stoic in the movies for the most part so they may even want to forget the frown altogether.
So far the majority of people weighing in here and on the OSW board are saying its needing some more work. The poster who mentioned Gooding Jr was right as well..
Do I see some Snipes?
Yes,as well as two other other actors.
I want Snipes with no ambiguities, and for almost $200 I should get him the first time
and not wait for the DX version.
It would be nice if the tats went down to his upper torso.
C'mon HT Ive got faith!
It would be nice if the tats went down to his upper torso.
C'mon HT Ive got faith!
I think whenever I heard that Blade III was coming I was so excited I thought this was going to blow my mind from Blade II, it just goes to show you that with such a great movie being only the sequel that it gets harder and harder for them to top their latest creation with the series.
It's a f* great figure so far!
I very love first 2 movie and realy happy that HT makes THIS
However sculpt have a great Blade nature, but it's more like Terrance Howard in the end... Besides head itself is too big and out of proportion + looks like hi stand on a simple TTbody <__<
My last word:
1) correct shape of the skull
2) reduce head
3) give to face more features of actor
4) put on the muscular body!
If all of this will be made... I'm begin worship to HT as gods ^^
I just posted this image on Hot Toys facebook page i hope they fix it
I just posted this image on Hot Toys facebook page i hope they fix it
the opening scene was ace, and then it somehow went downhill from there -- i'm just speaking for myself, but it was too generic: the special forces unit is an overplayed element and the group could have consisted of "humans," it wouldn't have made a difference. not to mention the wwf-style showdown ... the characters were great, on the other hand -- wasted potential to me. first part is still the best (and udo kier rocks!)
then again, i hate "aliens" for the same reasons and believe it should be banned, with "alien³" being the actual sequel, so what do i know.
Apart from the opening scene, Part 3 was absolute garbage, and doesn't exist in my mind.
I want Snipes with no ambiguities, and for almost $200 I should get him the first time and not wait for the DX version.
The DX jabs are seriously old. C'mon, it's been a YEAR with no new announcements of any further DX figures aside from Batman and the Joker. I really do not think HT is going to make a habit of this.