Super Freak
Thanks, galactiboy for the heads up!

Is this still a limited edition size?
Yeah, I just preordered as well. Don't have to worry about waiting for it to come up now.
Oh by the way I didn't get a newsletter, email or anything. I'm glad I came on here.
I think he's a tit!
Just joking...love you nam
Congrats to anyone who gets this figure!
It will be interesting to see how fast she sells out... "Very Limited Release" and "2 per customer" sound like two things that are seemingly at odds with one another.
Yeah, it's nice that she was the painless one and the Gort Pred was the scam. I wanted this Sarah and the donut head way more than the repaint Pred in oversized armor.
I think this is a different scenario. Those 2 pieces didn't have the controversy this Sarah/T1000 figure has had.
The T-600 Ex was just and extra base and the John FB Ex was just the mini-computer.
It's hard to compare those extras (at an aprox. $50 premium compared to other retailers for the regular versions) against the T-1000 head AND the possibility of an extremely limited Convention release with this Sarah/T1000.