Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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that was the cheapest one i got i got for $190 shipped =( and was the first one to arrive like 5 days ago
yeah his cool on his own , not together with the avps =( ill post some pictures later together with another berserker
yeah his cool on his own , not together with the avps =( ill post some pictures later together with another berserker

got my 2 berserker and 2 war machine today:yess: berserker look good with royce not with avp figure... however 1 of berserker have 2 left lower arm!!!:gah: going to contact seller or HT
got my 2 berserker and 2 war machine today:yess: berserker look good with royce not with avp figure... however 1 of berserker have 2 left lower arm!!!:gah: going to contact seller or HT
man that sucks big hairy furballs:rotfl maybe he`s not right handed:dunno:lol but seriously thats worrying and very slacK QC!i hope mine doesnt come with two left feet:gah:
Well I have my first Hot Toys fig (Royce) and I think Im addicted already. Amazing quality. Next T-800 from T2, then BERSERKER!!!!!! :)
I am going to visit Jakarta, Indonesia in January.
Will the BERSERKER PREDATOR (Hot toys) be out over there by then ?
Well, I've ordered two from the bay because quite frankly, this Predator looks way better than the others and I think this time next year the price will jump.

I think the Berserker will be an investment. Not sure about the other Predators.
Well I have my first Hot Toys fig (Royce) and I think Im addicted already. Amazing quality. Next T-800 from T2, then BERSERKER!!!!!! :)

Congrats bro! HT addiction is a double-edged sword, but truly amazing! Actually, the only downside concerns your wallet :)