Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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lol Well I know that. I mean like are the figures shipped in good boxes and stuff like that. Im asking because I ordered a T-800 from there and I live in the U.S.

From what I've read their top notch... not sure why you would pay the extra shipping to get something from there, but...:huh
got mine last night. i like it... feels solid

but they gave me two left gauntlets!!! :gah:

it's gonna take probably 10 days for my replacement part to arrive...
You paid to much... no worries though.. it's a great figure.. now all you need is a new Gatling gun, gloved hands, grenade launcher and a ruck sack ...... :lecture

Oh, the Berserker has a small head....(on topic)....:pfft:
You paid to much... no worries though.. it's a great figure.. now all you need is a new Gatling gun, gloved hands, grenade launcher and a ruck sack ...... :lecture

Oh, the Berserker has a small head....(on topic)....:pfft:
Who else had it cheaper? I looked around and I didnt see any other places.
I remember trying to sell mine for about $170 and no one wanted it...:lol decided to keep it and add some shat to it....:yess:
I might not have been on here then when you were selling it. When I did see it for the original asking price online either I didnt have money or when I did have the money it was out of stock when I planned on buying it. But o well, where do you get the mini-gun, gloves and etc.?
Ebay Mo Fo... get on it......:wink1:

BTW... what's up with the small head and lack of extras with Berserker?? WTF HT??? I want some extra plastic something....:tap