Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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Uh..yeah.. There were several memorable moments in Predators. I'll name a few.
1. They see all the planets
2. When Nikolai pwns Tracker
3. Falconer vs Hanzo fight
4. When Stans is trying to get a gun, then they hear the growls from the Hounds
5. When Royce has his "We run, we die.." moment.
6. After they fall off the cliff into the water, the Falcon flies to Falconer and we see them all there..
7. When Classic is suiting up to fight Mr. Black

Deffinately one of my favorite scenes is where they all look up and realize they aren't on Earth. I loved every part of that, especially the music..
Some people hate the movie, some people love it. It could have been a lot worse (AvP:R). I'm just glad that the Predator franchise has started up again :yess:

Fixed and fixed ;).
yeah. big surprise there.
Don't start this douchey trolling ____ with me.

how is this anymore special than some cliched scene of victim #7 being "pwns" by some masked psycho from any crappy slasher flick?
I find it more special because of how it all played out. The movement. How he curls his fingers as his wristblade comes out, how he moves his body when he is about to, then does, stab him.
It was memorable.

wait, there was a fight? a real fight you meant? i must have missed it because all i saw was 2 playgound kids playing with fake swords, and playing it badly.
Yes, there was a fight. It might not have been a Yoda Vs Sidious acrobatic crazy skill fight, but it was an awesome fight. It's memorable because thats really the first time we see a Predator move around like that, and well. It was very visually pleasing.

uh oh... something is coming... what is it? oh never mind... it's just some rottweiler with horns. you run, it runs after you. you shoot it, it dies. very exciting concept.
Yep, that was a lesser one. It's still memorable though.

is there a more cliched phrase uttered in the entire film?
Not the point. It was still memorable.:lol I thought the music was very memorable there also. nuuuuu NA! <-- Idunno how else..

ok, that one is a cool shot.
Yes, it was. Especially Mr. Black's clickity clacking.

a badass suiting up to get ready to kick ass is overdone in too many movies, but it can be justified if some real ass-kicking moment commences after that. that 'battle' between the 2 preds was so boringly choreographed it wont even entertain a live wrestling crowd.
I completely agree, it's done too many times in movies, and the Mr. Black Vs Classic fight wasn't that entertaining.. That's not what i said though. When Royce cuts him down, the music comes on, and he starts suiting up. That WAS badass. Especially since it was a Predator preparing to fight ANOTHER Predator. It was memorable.

it could be a lot worse? how about it could be better, a lot better? was anyone surprised to find out they're on some alien planet? the trailer and the tagline already gave that away from the get go.
Obviously. What i'm saying is, it was a good enough movie to get the franchise going again. It was better than any Predator related film we've seen in the past..19 years. I would have loved if it had been better too.

thxu. he IS a fantastic figure. just wish i hadnt seen the film, it kinda ruins his mystery for me.
Agreed, he is by far the most well made Predator HT has done. Although i was disappointed that his head wasn't accurrate i have seemed to get over that and I'm extremely excited to get him within the next few weeks.. :clap
When Royce cuts him down, the music comes on, and he starts suiting up. That WAS badass. Especially since it was a Predator preparing to fight ANOTHER Predator. It was memorable.

I found that retroactively embarrassing for the Classic. He gets thoroughly owned in the fight, thus making his Bada$$ musical 'entrance' an hilarious piece of misdirection.
I found that retroactively embarrassing for the Classic. He gets thoroughly owned in the fight, thus making his Bada$$ musical 'entrance' an hilarious piece of misdirection.
I understand what you're saying, you have a good point. I don't see it that way though, i mean like.. The fact that Mr. Black decapitates him doesn't make me think differently of the suiting up scene. It's still awesome to me.
I found that retroactively embarrassing for the Classic. He gets thoroughly owned in the fight, thus making his Bada$$ musical 'entrance' an hilarious piece of misdirection.
lol I rememebr when I was at the movies and they were fixing to fight I was like OH _____!!. But Berserker played with the classic predator The classic from the first one wouldve jacked up 12 super predators. The fact that the super predator caught a classic is AMAZING TO ME. He must have been a sorry ass classic. His people must have shun him after he showed his unworthiness. The preds that kicked the classic out probably were watching Berserker mess over him on some distant projector laughing that Billy laugh lmao.
I always thought they should have shown the classic get killed by Berserker at the start of the movie so you knew he didn't mess around. Leaving the classic until the end to fight I'd have liked to see him beat Black after an epic fight and then Royce kill the classic anyway out of nowhere just in case , showing we're all predators in the end. I think it could have given the movie some slight closure aswell that I feel it didn't have.
lol I rememebr when I was at the movies and they were fixing to fight I was like OH _____!!. But Berserker played with the classic predator The classic from the first one wouldve jacked up 12 super predators. The fact that the super predator caught a classic is AMAZING TO ME. He must have been a sorry ass classic. His people must have shun him after he showed his unworthiness. The preds that kicked the classic out probably were watching Berserker mess over him on some distant projector laughing that Billy laugh lmao.

it wasnt the super predators who caught that classic pred. it was nolan's buddy, that dead army ranger soldier they found toasted...that guy bagged the classic pred.
it wasnt the super predators who caught that classic pred. it was nolan's buddy, that dead army ranger soldier they found toasted...that guy bagged the classic pred.

Nope, not according to the prequel motion comics on the DVD/Blu-Ray. The super Predators caught him. That dead soldier was just another guy who made a desperate last stand against the three.
Nope, not according to the prequel motion comics on the DVD/Blu-Ray. The super Predators caught him. That dead soldier was just another guy who made a desperate last stand against the three.

didn't he bagged the classic in one of his traps. which got predator on predator violence before bezerker smoked the army ranger.:dunno
didn't he bagged the classic in one of his traps. which got predator on predator violence before bezerker smoked the army ranger.:dunno
He set those traps for the superpreds and of course they got through it and shot a hole in his chest.
I always thought they should have shown the classic get killed by Berserker at the start of the movie so you knew he didn't mess around. Leaving the classic until the end to fight I'd have liked to see him beat Black after an epic fight and then Royce kill the classic anyway out of nowhere just in case , showing we're all predators in the end. I think it could have given the movie some slight closure aswell that I feel it didn't have.
That wouldve been so clean. I would love to see the preds trapping and killing a t-rex on the next movie as an opening scene to show how long theyve been hunting and killing things.
And another thing I didnt like is the classic wasnt even bloodied bad when he was strug up on the TOTEM OF SHAME!!!!. It was almost like he didnt put up a fight to keep the SuperPreds from capturing him.
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he caught a classic pred though. which the super preds beat up...i though that pred was the one hanging on their camp site too.
I always thought Berserker and his gang captured the classic pred. I thought that was the reason why they strung him up as a trophy so he could continue living and making those pitiful squeaking noises lol.
sign of a mediocre sequel is when they try to show us their new baddie is a badass by having him kicked the previous film's baddie's ass(ok, so it's not technically the same pred from the 1st film, but the message is clear). alien 4 did that. avp did that. this new predator film did that.

dont worry, i have plenty of baddasses in my collection to keep him in line. besides, if adrian brody can decapitate him so easily i dont think he's much of a threat to anyone really.

it always starts with just pen and paper. a good idea never costs a thing. problem with anderson is he's got no original idea in his brain. district 9 was made on a shoestring as well, but look at how the director could make that film look like a big budget deal and STILL make the story counts.
Adrian brody did it? could of sworn it was Royce. Last checked Adrian brody didn't play himself in the movie and Royce was pretty badass
Adrian brody did it? could of sworn it was Royce. Last checked Adrian brody didn't play himself in the movie and Royce was pretty badass

I was actually kinda surprised he done a good job. I saw him in the pianist first so that kinda stuck with me, this whimpish musical jew, suddenly turned into a predator slayer haha
Got my Berserker today! Along with Chris Taylor who I haven't opened yet.

I won't go into the same ol' $h!t, minds are made up on both sides of the debate.

At prototype stage people saw innaccuracies in the sculpt that they either had to come to terms with or not. Then at first in-hand pics stage we had something else unexpected to either come to terms with or not. Suffice it to say if you did accept these things then you've got a really cool figure on your hands - I've got here a really cool I guess I did, at least to some extent!

All I hope is in the future that Hot Toys be more careful about what they show off and to be realistic about what they can actually deliver. We can't be sure of the reasons he ended up smaller but some honesty about it would have been nice. Even if it was money-related I wouldn't have been pi$$ed off - they're a business, of course they're looking for profit and maybe they needed a certain profit margin here after accepting a smaller margin on another figure like the excellent value T-1000 for example. I dunno, I'm no business expert.

Well anyway I do like the figure, fantastic quality. I'm in work now but I'm looking forward to seeing him alongside Royce and my other Predators. And he smells nice, I always forget about that new HT Predator smell! Its probably not healthy but I wish it would last forever.