Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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How are people receiving stuff so close to Christmas. I had something sent from BBTS the beginning of the week before last and no sign of it. Guess things are different in Ireland. We've also had a lot of snow plus I'm sure this package would have been held by customs but....when the hell will I get it now? :dunno

must be related to that snow in fiasco delaying the flights over there.:dunno
No I tend to choose the cheaper shipping options that don't offer tracking since I trust BBTS and have never had a problem with them. I'll just wait it out. Sorry chaps I didn't intend to make this thread about me and my undelivered package - its not even the Berserker, I have that already.

What company will be delivering to you? Some companies in the UK have said they won't be delivering anything until after Christmas/after the weather clears up.

I think it was DHL and Fed Ex who decided this, hope this helps!
Just checked my tracking status and it says my package is due to ship out to the U.S. on the 22nd:impatient: This wait is killing me and now with the release of falconer im more impatient:panic:
So here's a question for you folks who have him, and please go easy on me... how exactly do I get the mask on? I'm afraid to press it on by force for fear of damaging paint. This reason alone prevented me from ever displaying my P1 with his mask, but Mr. Black looks so much better with the bio imo.
So, any techniques to safely get it on his face?

You could always try heating it up with a hair dryer and then pinching it onto his face. I think I had to do that with the P1...
LOL, Sorry to go off subject but I was gone all yesterday and got up to speed with what happenned yesterday evening. Man what an idiot (Weyland-Yutani) I wish I was logged on I would of posted this when he got banned
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Anyhow, back on subject MW I did the hairdryer method that Thrifty is talking about and it worked perfectly! I was the same way about putting the Bio on. Just don't put the hairdryer near the dreads I guess it will mess them up.
Anyhow, back on subject MW I did the hairdryer method that Thrifty is talking about and it worked perfectly! I was the same way about putting the Bio on. Just don't put the hairdryer near the dreads I guess it will mess them up.

You can still use the dryer on the dreads.. that's what I used for Lost's just don't want to put it directly onto where they hook to the head for long as it will soften the glue that attaches them..
I know this is of topic, but whats wrong with toys2 website. Its not opening for me=(. Is this happening to anyone else?
It's under maintenance. Here is their number if you need to get a hold of them (905)-470-0007
my beresker arrived tonight at 6:30pm, I guess the UK postal system is slowly catching up with the backlog !

I must say there is a good weight to it plus all the bits are prob the best I have had to date, swapping out the hands for example is really easy and a pain on the original preds......time to get some photos done tomorrow I think.... :clap:clap
There was debate at one point on the size of Preds. Well here's a pic I found on the net from behind the scenes of the movie. Sorry if it's been posted before but I'm not going through a gazillion pages. When I saw this I just remembered all the debate that was going on and thought of posting.

There was debate at one point on the size of Preds. Well here's a pic I found on the net from behind the scenes of the movie. Sorry if it's been posted before but I'm not going through a gazillion pages. When I saw this I just remembered all the debate that was going on and thought of posting.


Awwww! Daddy predator is taking his little sons out to hunt. How cute :lol