Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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I know these figures are high-end, but I can't believe they probably took out the abdominal articulation. Now if it's a rubber body with the skeleton inside, we may still have hope :pray:.
From an aesthetic point of view, rubber looks nicer but given all the problems alot of rubber HT figures have had (cracking, leaking etc), I'd rather have a plastic torso cause it will last longer and I won't be afarid to handle the figure more.
I dont like rubber body, the paint are not going to last, dont care if the torso can move or not, PVC is just find. Hope what the artical mention is wrong, I dont want no thin rubber. :thud:

I read the article too and saw no mention of using a rubber body. Did you read this from another source?
I've never been bothered by the joints on Predator figures except the upper arm/shoulder joints of Wolf Predator. Those look bizarre.

Much as I definitely want the classic put onto the bigger/taller body it would be very unfortunate for it to not be able to hunch over and crouch.
Well, okay... a hard plastic body IS better than rubber... just wish they didn't take out the dan abdominal joint. Really, they still could've pumped it full of paint detail. :(

I guess them's the sacrifices of making a new body.
Dear Hot Toys,

One of the reasons why you're very successful in 1:6th scale figures is because you're able to make a successful compromise between function and form. Picking one over the other is utter fail on your part. If you keep prioritizing aesthetics over function, then we might as well buy maquettes and statues.

The reason why your TrueType bodies are such as success is because it's able to mimic a human body's natural posture. THIS is what we're looking for in your figures. THIS is what makes 1:6th figures stand out from statues and maquettes, and is the ONLY reason why I chose to collect 1:6th figures instead of those aforementioned items.

Looking at this new Predator now, it's pretty to look at, but is an utter disappointment over all. Your muscle bodied Leonidas seems to have much BETTER articulation than this. Frankly, the compromises you made for this figure is not just a step in the wrong direction, it's several steps. I sincerely hope this isn't a trend that you will follow on your future figures.

Frankly, you have an excellent base with your TrueType bodies. The muscular body you used with Leonidas, while admittedly has rooms for improvement, was already pushing muscle bodies to new heights. This new Predator muscle body falls flat to your previous efforts.
Dear Hot Toys,

One of the reasons why you're very successful in 1:6th scale figures is because you're able to make a successful compromise between function and form. Picking one over the other is utter fail on your part. If you keep prioritizing aesthetics over function, then we might as well buy maquettes and statues.

The reason why your TrueType bodies are such as success is because it's able to mimic a human body's natural posture. THIS is what we're looking for in your figures. THIS is what makes 1:6th figures stand out from statues and maquettes, and is the ONLY reason why I chose to collect 1:6th figures instead of those aforementioned items.

Looking at this new Predator now, it's pretty to look at, but is an utter disappointment over all. Your muscle bodied Leonidas seems to have much BETTER articulation than this. Frankly, the compromises you made for this figure is not just a step in the wrong direction, it's several steps. I sincerely hope this isn't a trend that you will follow on your future figures.

Frankly, you have an excellent base with your TrueType bodies. The muscular body you used with Leonidas, while admittedly has rooms for improvement, was already pushing muscle bodies to new heights. This new Predator muscle body falls flat to your previous efforts.

I'd love to see Devil666's improvised Hot Toys response to that!
Dear Hot Toys,

One of the reasons why you're very successful in 1:6th scale figures is because you're able to make a successful compromise between function and form. Picking one over the other is utter fail on your part. If you keep prioritizing aesthetics over function, then we might as well buy maquettes and statues.

The reason why your TrueType bodies are such as success is because it's able to mimic a human body's natural posture. THIS is what we're looking for in your figures. THIS is what makes 1:6th figures stand out from statues and maquettes, and is the ONLY reason why I chose to collect 1:6th figures instead of those aforementioned items.

Looking at this new Predator now, it's pretty to look at, but is an utter disappointment over all. Your muscle bodied Leonidas seems to have much BETTER articulation than this. Frankly, the compromises you made for this figure is not just a step in the wrong direction, it's several steps. I sincerely hope this isn't a trend that you will follow on your future figures.

Frankly, you have an excellent base with your TrueType bodies. The muscular body you used with Leonidas, while admittedly has rooms for improvement, was already pushing muscle bodies to new heights. This new Predator muscle body falls flat to your previous efforts.

I'd love to see Devil666's improvised Hot Toys response to that!

I think it would go something like this:

Herro iampoch,

thank you for complaining email. just what we love here at HT, more complaining email. have you seen HT facebook page? we make announcement on there to make fan happy and instead fan mutate facebook page into rage filled Gojira with complain and tear cry about cripple superman, more King of all musical pop micro jackson figure and even request for batter damage t-800.

now you complain "predatol figure not move enough." you want more move? go buy toy from toystore. it move A LOT! it move so much it break and you cry. happy? we make super giant predatol to make fan happy and you send complain email. You no like you no buy!!!!

you sure you not Devir_666? maybe you ARE mr. Devir san! HA!

We busy designing new fruity TROM lightbulb figure and AVATAR thin smurfs to make more money. We have no time for email about predatol. When it come, you like you buy.

Best regards,
SA/ Hot Toys

Herro iampoch,

thank you for complaining email. just what we love here at HT, more complaining email. have you seen HT facebook page? we make announcement on there to make fan happy and instead fan mutate facebook page into rage filled Gojira with complain and tear cry about cripple superman, more King of all musical pop micro jackson figure and even request for batter damage t-800.

now you complain "predatol figure not move enough." you want more move? go buy toy from toystore. it move A LOT! it move so much it break and you cry. happy? we make super giant predatol to make fan happy and you send complain email. You no like you no buy!!!!

you sure you not Devir_666? maybe you ARE mr. Devir san! HA!

We busy designing new fruity TROM lightbulb figure and AVATAR thin smurfs to make more money. We have no time for email about predatol. When it come, you like you buy.

Best regards,
SA/ Hot Toys

@ a-dev:

Now I know why you're waiting for the improvised response :rotfl

@ Devil_666:

@ Hot Toys:

But you were beri good in making hayli posable figures, why devolve to making statues? :D
I have to agree that there HAS been far too much complaining about a figure that no one has yet. 1 little "discrepancy" and everyone loses their minds! :panic:
I've come to realize that HT (in most cases) are going to make what they're going to make. Sad but true.

If they release something we've asked for, then even the Pre-orders sell out and HT = Happy.
If it's something crappy, then they become peg-warmers, go on sale, etc at HT's loss.
So again, money talks.
If you don't like something Ht makes, don't buy it. Easy.
Ever notice how their prices have been steadily increasing?
It's because "we" accept paying those crazy prices.
But whatever, that's a different story.

More importantly, I can't imagine it being too difficult to customize this pred to the point where you get what you want.
Use prior preds as fodder, and customize Berserker into what you want. Simple.
More importantly, I can't imagine it being too difficult to customize this pred to the point where you get what you want.
Use prior preds as fodder, and customize Berserker into what you want. Simple.
i dunno how you're gonna customize it outside of sculpting a whole new head. it's not even the right size. as far as i'm concerned, this figure is just as bad as all of HT's crappy alien sculpts. don't see why this figure should get a pass in the complaints department.
I have to agree that there HAS been far too much complaining about a figure that no one has yet. 1 little "discrepancy" and everyone loses their minds! :panic:
I've come to realize that HT (in most cases) are going to make what they're going to make. Sad but true.

If they release something we've asked for, then even the Pre-orders sell out and HT = Happy.
If it's something crappy, then they become peg-warmers, go on sale, etc at HT's loss.
So again, money talks.
If you don't like something Ht makes, don't buy it. Easy.
Ever notice how their prices have been steadily increasing?
It's because "we" accept paying those crazy prices.
But whatever, that's a different story.

More importantly, I can't imagine it being too difficult to customize this pred to the point where you get what you want.
Use prior preds as fodder, and customize Berserker into what you want. Simple.

True, but HT does listen to complaints and suggestions. It's one of the reasons why they keep improving. By your reasoning, customers wouldn't have the right to complain, and supporters should be mindless drones that should take whatever HT dishes out.

I'm a BIG supporter of HT ever since their Military line and have now shifted to MMS. But that doesn't mean I'll approve of everything HT does. HT, I would assume, would still like to know customer opinion, and what better way than to take into consideration where customers say they fail in some aspects?

Loss of articulation is NOT a small discrepancy in 1:6th scale figures, since articulation is what they're known for (and the whole 1:6th for that matter).

And for the amount you're going to pay, you do have expectations. Also, there is nothing simple in customizing this figure to anyone's liking, especially with the price this fig fetches, as well as the Pred fodders.

COMPLAINING is NEVER a bad thing, both for consumers and businesses.
i dunno how you're gonna customize it outside of sculpting a whole new head. it's not even the right size. as far as i'm concerned, this figure is just as bad as all of HT's crappy alien sculpts. don't see why this figure should get a pass in the complaints department.

This is why. :wink1:
It's nothing we haven't experienced before. :1-1:
Now let's harass Enterbay to start making A&P. :hi5:

Or at least let Yuli do all the sculpting from now on.

Oh and iampoch.... I hear ya.
I really like HT, but every so often they let their egos get the better of them.
Not funding their blunders is how they "really" learn.
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The figure is quite aways off and I'm sure HT will make some improvements to the head and bio (though admittidly I like the more proportioned head the proto has). If there are enough complaints they may very well add the ab crunch articulation as well.

Also being of Asian decent, I personally found Devil's post quite funny and was not offended by it :dunno:)
@ Legendary hunter:

It's all in good fun :) I'm Asian (Philippines) and I took it all in good jest :)
Also being of Asian decent, I personally found Devil's post quite funny and was not offended by it :dunno:)[/QUOTE]

Oh I wasn't offended by it, that's why I said it's true, but because I've heard it so many times, it stopped being funny a while ago. But whatever makes us smile I guess :lol