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I'm going to be a nice and serial Celty for once...

Master. Forums should not be taken seriously. Ever. You're not on here because you have too, you're on here because you enjoy it. It's a time waster. I waste too much time But it's what happens when everyone you know has stuff going on. That's beside the point..

Anyway, what you do (and one other certain member of this forum...) is make bait posts. You may not "know it" but you do. See a bait post is an opinion that you KNOW people will disagree with. And not only disagree, but get mad about it. Most people dont like when you trash something they like.

If I said "Anyone who likes AvP is a moron and deserves to get shot in the face"....would you not get mad? When you post long posts about how Predators'll piss everyone off that disagrees with you, and then you'll act like you're the victim.

If you dont like Predators, that's OK. And you have every right in the world to express your opinion...but you have to do it in a manner that everyone wont get pissed off. Otherwise you're a troll.

I dont even care that you want to discuss the flaws of the movie. Makes the discussions interesting. But if you're just going to bash it, then you can just STFU.

Anyone notice in these pics, Berserker's chin extends pass the bio? I wonder if it wasn't put on correctly or if the bio is that small.
the bio looks like it's positioned right, but the whole head is inaccurate anyway, so putting the bio on it is like a square peg in a round hole. hopefully there won't be any problems with the bio staying on by itself.
I'm going to be a nice and serial Celty for once...

Master. Forums should not be taken seriously. Ever. You're not on here because you have too, you're on here because you enjoy it. It's a time waster. I waste too much time But it's what happens when everyone you know has stuff going on. That's beside the point..

Anyway, what you do (and one other certain member of this forum...) is make bait posts. You may not "know it" but you do. See a bait post is an opinion that you KNOW people will disagree with. And not only disagree, but get mad about it. Most people dont like when you trash something they like.

If I said "Anyone who likes AvP is a moron and deserves to get shot in the face"....would you not get mad? When you post long posts about how Predators'll piss everyone off that disagrees with you, and then you'll act like you're the victim.

If you dont like Predators, that's OK. And you have every right in the world to express your opinion...but you have to do it in a manner that everyone wont get pissed off. Otherwise you're a troll.

I dont even care that you want to discuss the flaws of the movie. Makes the discussions interesting. But if you're just going to bash it, then you can just STFU.


Everyone has a right to express their opinion. Whether you get mad about it or not is up to you. And since some of your expresses of opinion have pissed me off aswell, does that make you a troll? Dont think so.
it's always a pleasure to see that your own photos are appreciated and circulated... It would be even better that one quotes the source.
sorry just wanted to prove that articulation is very important and that pose of urs just rocked and we wont be seeing any like that on the Classic pred if the make it the same way as the zerker
Ever figure most of these critics are smarter than the average person? That's why they're qualified to be film critics. They've gone to school for this and been educated in film so they know what they're talking about. The average fan of cinema is just that. Their opinions only carry the weight of their own perception. Also that's why film critics most likely are able to use more complex words no one else (the average person) would be able to comprehend without looking it up... in a dicitonary! Seems you just get offended by critics and their use of grammar and wide range of vocabulary. It's common though for someone not as intelligent as they. Something to be envious of...

No, they just irritate me because the average main stream media fans are the ones spending the millions every year on the movies they bash. When it's all said and done, it's if the fan enjoyed the movie or not, but they make it out as if you are an idiot if you enjoyed the movie it did not stimulate their superior intellegence. Envious, no, I've done what I've wanted to do in this world. You?
No, they just irritate me because the average main stream media fans are the ones spending the millions every year on the movies they bash. When it's all said and done, it's if the fan enjoyed the movie or not, but they make it out as if you are an idiot if you enjoyed the movie it did not stimulate their superior intellegence. Envious, no, I've done what I've wanted to do in this world. You?

MasterSafara is :cuckoo:
Everyone has a right to express their opinion. Whether you get mad about it or not is up to you. And since some of your expresses of opinion have pissed me off aswell, does that make you a troll? Dont think so.

You missed the whole point.

"ANyone with an AvP Game signature is a ____"

Would that not piss you off? That's called a bait post. That's what he's doing. And if he's going to post that, he better deal with the flack. :lol

And if you did read my post you would've read that I said he can express his opinion! I dont care! I want someone who doesnt like the movie to talk to. That's more interesting then someone who does!

It's the bait posts that annoy me.
Why are you here?

Going to send me more nasty PM's? lol. :lol

You got one too?

Here's what he sent me...

Edit: Nevermind...let's just say he feels the same way about me that I do about him.

He did this same stuff over at The Hunter's Lair and got put in his place there.

I guess that's why he sashayed on over here.