Super Freak

Sorry guys, but for me, the last HT's newsletter dates from October 30th, and it is question nowhere of this information. The only newsletter which speaks about the figure dates from September 24th, and is not either mentioned this ridiculous story of smile... If you want my opinion (and if you don't want it, you will have it all the same! Hehe
), it is about a small joke... Either then, HT fell on the head...
Here I used my Photoshop skills to alter the image more to my liking.
As you can see, the head sculpt would look waaay better without that stupid smirk.
Hot Toys, take note.
Here though, the smirk fits with some scenes but it's too specific, I think.
It's gotta be a joke. It is simply looks terrible. If this is how it will look like than I have to cancel this figure.
Its real guys
Ive seen the hot toys news letter.
The revised "clean" sculpt looks terrible too.
They have widened the head again and made him look like a deranged monster or something with his new mouth expression.
Hot Toys, Im cancelling my pre-orders on this was fine before...why widen the head when it needed to be slimmer if anything?
Ultimate fail.
hahaha omg...cant believe some people think thats real.
Heh, yes, I guess that's enough now. I don't want people thinking about canceling their order or anything crazy, people are getting too serious now. It would've been nice though if someone posted it on Facebook to complain about the smile though, that would've been insanely confusing for HT, but that's obviously not going to happen now...
I made that picture as a joke and I thought it was pretty poorly done too, the smudge marks seem pretty clear, but then to my surprise people believed it. I almost vomited from laughter. I feel sick now even, hours later, from laughing so much.
If it wasn't for TFG this would've died long ago, too. What he did saved it, the funniest part for sure. His "photoshop" is the original, to spell that out for some...