same here, i have 2 on order at OSB. and those are exactly what poses/options i have in mind, too.
i also have a 3rd one on order at BBTS but im not sure if i will have enough money to pay for it if it releases before xmas.
If i do get a 3rd, i will probably recreate the eye surgery scene using my T2 T-800s grey t-shirt.
Ah someone else is distinguishing between the arm surgery and the eye surgery. Yep, I also have the eye surgery in mind hopefully using a future exposed endo-eye headsculpt, but in the meantime using the current one. For the body I will probably use the one from the extra T2 T-800 I'm getting with these T1s and I'm hoping to be able to use the MMS02 clothes on that body. I'll put a makeshift bandage on his arm and voila - eye surgery scene as a third T1 T-800.