Its not that there was nothing at the show or that it was any kind of FAIL on HT part - there was new stuff that has really excited a big portion of fans, Indiana Jones, all the Marvel stuff and the 89 Batman announcement - the latter has been on my wishlist since the very beginning of the TDK line and I'll also pick up IJ.
But Terminator....thats the big one for me and will be until BD T2 T-800, Police shootout T1 T-800 and 1984 Kyle Reese have been made. Once I see those from Hot Toys I'll know the line is done as far as they're concerned (seems unlikely they'd bring out Furlong Connor or T1 Sarah after those) and I will know to no longer get my hopes up for anything else to do with this franchise from HT once those big guns are out and in our possession. I'd turn my enthusiasm to something else or begin the process of weening myself off the hobby...sorta need to save money now.
But it looks like HT are going to keep us T-fans in suspense for a while longer...hopefully not indefinitely.
I would also never say that the Expo was a fail on HT´s site, concerning franchises and figures, but there are not many that caught MY interest. I absolutly know that alone on this board right here, many guys are dying fro stuff from the expo, like Indy and announced DX Jack Sparrow and so on, but for me...there´s just ´89 Batman and Joker if even those.
Cause now that my T1 Arnold is being shipped and Mark IV is just around the corner, I´m not far away from my goal, which weening of a little too, willing, but also forced, thx to unemployedness.
But ´til Christopher Reeve Superman arrives I´m pretty there isn´t really something that caught my attention...besides of Mark V.
If I can afford him in any way, that´s the second suit I really want then...