1984 hobo clothed Kyle Reese, for some, 1984 Sarah Connor.
Then there's T2 Cyberdyne and Semi and Full BD and T1 Police Shootout and Semi and Full BD T-800.

1984 hobo clothed Kyle Reese, for some, 1984 Sarah Connor.
Then there's T2 Cyberdyne and Semi and Full BD and T1 Police Shootout and Semi and Full BD T-800.
1984 hobo clothed Kyle Reese, for some, 1984 Sarah Connor.
Then there's T2 Cyberdyne and Semi and Full BD and T1 Police Shootout and Semi and Full BD T-800.
And Id also like them to take another stab at the T-800 endoskeleton.
Great photo's there Snake. I'm now eagerly awaiting an email to tell me mine is on the way.
Yes, this is not a good day for busting out the camera![]()
And Id also like them to take another stab at the T-800 endoskeleton.
I'd buy both Reese and Sarah,but i doubt T1 Sarah will happen.
Reese (T1) is my favorite character in the series. For shame, sir.
I have to say the T1 T-800 looks pretty nice. I've never seen T1 just T2. I have T2 Arnold. I'm almost tempted by this one.![]()
In 2 weeks![]()
I thought you were passing.
Have you've never seen T1? Thats crazy, buy it on bluray now! Its much darker and better then the second movie.
Have you've never seen T1? Thats crazy, buy it on bluray now! Its much darker and better then the second movie.
I have no patience for these secondary female characters, I am not sure how you guys can justify $150 + on them. I know people will say Sarah Connor is not a secondary character in the Terminator franchise, but lets be honest, the character is boring.