Super Freak
Regarding my T1 Sarah I understand my custom isn't up to hot Toys standards. The eyes need a lot of work I would know because they were my first ever attempt at painting eyes in my entire life.
I do have an unpainted HS which I do plan on sending out to be professional painted and I bet that will really bring things together. However, if I never try to do stuff myself, how am I ever going to learn? I find the more I do the more I learn and the better I get.
I don't mind constructive criticisms as it helps me improve my skills, however simply insulting my work is just being nasty and rude for no reason. I am more than open to hear some tips on to improve my painting skills. Just today I was looking tips up.
Finally, I suffer from a psycho-motor disability in which my brain doesn't communicate properly with my wrist and hands causing me a lot of issues. I have a great deal of difficulty with simple motor functioning tasks like writing to the point where I just type everything because my hand writing comes out so messy because of my disability. I have to work with what I have and I have a physical disability to deal with.
I know I'm not even close to being a great customizer but I try my best and I have improved over the years.
No need to defend your custom in any way. I think you've done a great job and I've read more positive comments than anything else. Keep it up! Don't let a few comments keep you from perfecting your skills.
Kudos to you cplhicks on a couple of badass customs! Hope to see more Terminator figures from you in the future.