Hot Toys: - MMS156 - Captain America The First Avenger Official Specs and Pics

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It's amazing how movies, and even comic books, tend to change the original stories. Some times for the better.

Due to the number of major characters in Avengers, I wouldn't expect too much of any side stories for Cap. I would expect that in a Cap sequel, but any thing is possible.


I thought she looked like peggy and then i checked imdb and on there she is credited as playing sharon carter so i hope this is true
I just watched captain america and it was a great movie! I REALLY love the 1/6th figure over the PF because it looks so much better to me. Unfortunately, I am much more interested in statues so I will prob pass on both. Still, fantastic flick and congrats to anyone who POed this!
Wasn't fussed on the movie, for a variety of reasons.

Still getting the figure, though.

Yeah I saw it yesterday. Definitely the least favorite out of all the Marvel produced movies. One dimensional characters and a shallow plot. Loved the start where we see skinny Steve Rogers but once he got the super soldier serum it just went downhill.

p.s. Did anyone cringe and laugh when they showed the footage of Captain America with Peggy's photo? Corny...:gah:
Here ya go.
If ya ain't seen Cap yet, don't be watching this:
[ame=""]‪The Avengers - Sneak Peek‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Just a little heads up for anyone interested... I may be offering a Red Skull HS, and have started an "Interest" thread on the customs forum...


I am also currently working on my own Red Skull outfit right now...
It was coming together nicely until my sewing machine broke... but I am hoping to have it done in the next 3 weeks or so. I'll post pics when I am at a good point...
Hot Toys originally said this would be third qtr- so any chance it will be in HK by the end of Sept? I know SSC isn't supposed to get theirs until 4th qtr, but I liked the film so much I may go ahead get one from HK when they are released over there, even though I pre-ordered one from SSC. Maybe someone will make a Chris Evans unmasked head I can use on one of them.
Wpuld've been nice if HT had a small acrylic stand to hold the shield in a thrown position, like in this pic:
