Hot Toys: - MMS156 - Captain America The First Avenger Official Specs and Pics

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I would say that you should buy this anyway, since it is his primary suit. But the way HT re-releases and revises every other figure released makes me think that you might be right to just wait. You'll probably get Cap 2.0 DX version with accurate shield, BD alternate outfit, unmasked sculpt, more accurate masked sculpt, and motorcycle next year.
To be fair outside of Iron Man they haven't redone anything in Marvel. Now Batman well that's something different ...
This may have been mentioned, but as I noticed in the film, the painted up shield was never "clean" like that. Whatsherface shot the shield before it was painted (or whatever the process that was used to add color to the shield is called), and the first time Cap was shown using it, those marks seemed to be on the the shield.

Peggy's shots made no marks on the shield... they simply painted the metal and in the course of the battle that he was in, the shield got hit. Even in the comics, Cap has been shown repainting his shield. At some unseen point in the film, the shield was unblemished. I also wish that the shield had a brushed metal lustre with battle damage. It is a little too glossy. But, that is my only 'issue' with the figure.
This may have been mentioned, but as I noticed in the film, the painted up shield was never "clean" like that. Whatsherface shot the shield before it was painted (or whatever the process that was used to add color to the shield is called), and the first time Cap was shown using it, those marks seemed to be on the the shield.

guessing they thought not all want a BD version. what they are to release is the version we never saw in the movie :wink1:, which, was all clean and shiny. turning it to BD to me is easier as opposed to turning a BD to a clean version
Peggy's shots made no marks on the shield... they simply painted the metal and in the course of the battle that he was in, the shield got hit. Even in the comics, Cap has been shown repainting his shield. At some unseen point in the film, the shield was unblemished. I also wish that the shield had a brushed metal lustre with battle damage. It is a little too glossy. But, that is my only 'issue' with the figure.

guessing they thought not all want a BD version. what they are to release is the version we never saw in the movie :wink1:, which, was all clean and shiny. turning it to BD to me is easier as opposed to turning a BD to a clean version

:exactly: As far as been to shiny, nothing a shot of dullcote can't fix.
Just watched this film, I really enjoyed it. Just beats Thor by an inch.

I thought the costume looks great in the film, and Hot Toys have done a great job of making this figure.

I now have this pre-ordered! So excited for this, although I really want a Evans headsculpt.
I want a skinny, wimpy Rogers figure :lol I think the scenes with skinny Rogers were :cool:
I cant wait for this figure really want a uso figure where he saves the howling commando's a red skull and evans head sculpt am i asking for too much?
Also i heard ppl saying they were going to get a motorcycle for cap any news on ppls mods?
If an Evans sculpt is included with future Cap figures (USO, Avengers), it would be nice if it was still compatible with this figure without any modding :D
Also i heard ppl saying they were going to get a motorcycle for cap any news on ppls mods?

Here is mine so far... still have to make the bags on the back!

If an Evans sculpt is included with future Cap figures (USO, Avengers), it would be nice if it was still compatible with this figure without any modding :D

i'm sure it will be. They'll keep using the same muscle body that this figure has on later releases which would mean the heads will be compatible/swappable
Watch as all these WW2 bikes dry up on eBay, just like the T2 bike
