Hot Toys: - MMS156 - Captain America The First Avenger Official Specs and Pics

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It's been like what? A few months? Even Joker DX01, Batman DX02, Leonidas, Iron Man MK1, etc. was going for bargain prices after a few months... and look at them now.

Nobody will be happier than me to see MIS Bruce finally achieve an after-market value at or above MSRP. I'll be keeping both mine I think, but I had a shocker bills month last month and it would've been nice to have had the option to sell one of them for anything close to what I paid. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that I didn't have that option. I got through the bills onslaught by not having to sell anything.

Anyhow, regardless of the few HT figures that aren't great after-market performers, I strongly doubt that Cap will be one of them.

That shield looks so awesome, cant wait to get this figure

THEY FIXED IT!:clap:clap:clap
been watching earth's mightest heroes cartoon THE AVENGERS to catch up on my comic history, and now cant wait to AVENGERS ASSEMBLE ! with captain in another couple months ...pretty cool series ....only _____ jack black is iron man voice .....but does ok job w / iron man ....have no idea if follows comics story or not ,never read any of the avengers series ,but on netflix this month.....
i hope we get soom good villians for our avengers ZIMO , ENCHANTRESS, HENCHMAN ,ULTRON ,RED SKULL HEIL HYDRA!
check out this site if like soundbytes from movies nicholson ,swarzenegger, family,guy, star wars, its funny as oops i poopd my pants..realm of darkness soundboard....entertainig stuff
personally, I think THIS suit will always be the cooler looking one. I actually don't like the new Avengers suit that much, it doesn't work for me anyway.

I agree. His WWII film togs look fantastic, IMO.


This modern suit . . . not so much. The blue belt, boots, and shoulders look inferior to his old-school duds. (And what's with all the zippers? Is this a parachute pants look? Retro 80s vibe? :lol)

Can't wait to see this fig (MMS156) next to the Mark 1! :rock2


The only things i don't like are all the zippers and the helmet, should've gone with a mask and possibly wings.

But You have to factor inmovie magic though, if you saw this guy on the street in persons, you'd think what a D__K.

But on screen, with the cinematography and immersion you won't be focusing on all the little details, you eyes won't really pick them up anyways.

That's why i'm sterring clear of all news and spoilers about Avengers, Spider-Man and TDKR, on-set filming pics take away from the magic.
And HT's version of Cap's new suit will still rock, design flaws or not . . .

Look at the Harry Goblin fig . . . stunning home run on a mediocre character! :p

(Manning's Art Of Captain America slipcase hardcover)
My changes...

show the ears
add a brown or silver chin strap
have the red and white stripes go all the way around his back
change belt to brown

Still not bad, like Nova said, it'll look fine on screen. Just hope the toy looks good too next to his WWII XD

Edit: I can see why they chose not to use browns though. My guess is they wanted to have a unified colour scheme(blue, red, silver) with the big 3(Thor, IM and Cap)
Man i love seeing Hot Toys and Mighty Muggs side by side, friggin' awesome!

Yeah, I feel they go well together. I display the Mark IV and the Spiderman figure with muggs as well. I'lll post some better pictures soon.

^^ nice pose on WM, what is that captain america thing, a framed print?

Thanks! That is a book, [ame=""]The Art of Captain America.[/ame] 200 pages with the art of the movie.
But You have to factor inmovie magic though, if you saw this guy on the street in persons, you'd think what a D__K.

Oh, right. Because if you saw someone--anyone--on the streets parading as any superhero with the very best-looking, most accurate version of that superhero's costume, you still wouldn't go "what a complete D___K"...?
