I loved the film - the visuals, the music, the characters, and the literal sucker punch that many viewers seemed to completely miss, hence its general poor reception.
Couldn't help you there because I could never part with Babydoll.
I just looked at the prices on Ebay and Amazon. I didn't realize she'd become a hot property as she originally took a while to sell out.
I guess 'Nobody puts Baby in the corner' for ever.
I kinda want her now. I bet I'm stuck paying ebay prices right?
Frizzy, really frizzy. I'll check ebay again, I did earlier and didn't see any under $200.Define mess? If someone has had a go at "styling" the hair and ruined it I would say no. There's a few under 200 on ebay.
Was there an exclusive version that came with an extra head sculpt?
Why I asked is there is an eBay ad which says it comes with an "exclusive extra head"...must be a mistake on the part of the seller.