This sucks
Iron Man is getting yet another figure, the 20th figure of the line, and yet the rest of the Sucker Punch girls are likely not gonna be made.
I mean how hard is it to make the three other girls?
Why should iron man and Batman get so damn many figures that they cross over to remaking existing ones while so many other lines dont have more than two in the first place.
Whenever i bring it up there is the standard response of of "Iron Man is popular" or "Sucker Punch Sucked" or "It flopped at the Box Office"... WHO CARES???? the character design was awesome with lots of cool accessories and there is a market for the fans of the film.
People in the Iron Man & Batman threads think the HT world revolves around them, like if they didnt buy them HT would be out of business or that they're the only thing keeping HT alive in order to Risk on other licenses.
Well its not a "risk" if they make two figures and abandon it, alot of the time they will choose to abadon the line before it even begins to ship, how the hell can they know if its profitable if they dont expand on it.
If they gave up on Iron Man after the first two figures they'd never know how much they could make.
I'm a fan of the film and other licenses like Tron and Thor and X-Men First Class and it ____ing infuriates me that there is a direct limit on everything except certain licenses.
Iron Man will have 20 figures while the combined figure amount of those i mentioned will be lower, how is that fair to fans of the licenses?
If you dont collect Iron Man, Batman or Predator you're ____ed, you'll get 2 sometimes a little more and thats it, dead in the water.
I'm not asking for miracles like every character of every license being made, but 3 more figures for Sucker Punch, 3 more for Tron about 5-6 for X-Men first Class, it's not unreasonable when compared to the Frickin 20 that Iron Man is getting.
I know alot of guys are gonna drill me for this but, and cite facts and figures, but i'm tired and pissed off and i just want Sweet Pea at least from this line, i mean Metal Gear Solid is my Grail and it angers me so much that by the time they start coming there will be another Iron Man remake available and maybe 2-4 figures from a cast and variants of about 15 in MGS
I'm ranting i know, but Iron Man fans seem to forget that HT exists to please other license too, not just them.