Amazingly detailed figure but just never had the wow factor with mine, never really seen it any amazingly good poses either
Finally got around to unboxing mine...Really cool figure, but I have 2 questions...
1. Anyone else have a problem with him keeping his arm up while using the flame accessory?...Can't keep his arm up, keeps flopping down...Doesnt appear broken, but flame wants to flop down when put on his arm...
2. How do the lights work...I opened the battery chamber and removed the clear tape around the batteries...but when I push the button on, nothing happens...Is there something else I need to remove?...
If you are referring to the clear sleeve around the batteries, that's not supposed to come off.
It's there to stop the outside terminals of the batteries from touching things they shouldn't....
Last two or three reviews I've read for this figure have made a point to mention that the flame accessory is heavy and will cause the arm to droop....And it looks like I have a slightly loose elbow joint on the flame arm...anyone else have a problem keeping his arm up while using the flame?...keeps wanting to droop...
Iron Man MKI v2.0 Guest Review @ Michael Crawford's Review of the Week said:The plume of fire that attaches to the flamethrower attachments at his wrist is also rather cool, and when well lit from behind it can look pretty convincing. However, it is quite a weighty item and I found the arm slowly drooped when displayed with it attached. So, cool for a few photo-shoots rather than a long-term display item… in my case anyway!
Thanks, Barry...I finally figured out the battery thing...And it looks like I have a slightly loose elbow joint on the flame arm...anyone else have a problem keeping his arm up while using the flame?...keeps wanting to droop...
Last two or three reviews I've read for this figure have made a point to mention that the flame accessory is heavy and will cause the arm to droop.
Bought this guy for $194. SSC currently has a $25 off for Valentine. For those that want to pick up a figure, might want to order one now! Code is Valentine2013.
Thank you. There were two tabs within the canister.
That same thing freaked me out when I got mine. I thought I broke it trying to get it to light up.
I wish they would learn to make these attachments hollow or light the same goes for Thor's Hammer sure it looks good and is nice and the diecast is nice but for posing its not practical as it causes the arm to fall or even the body