Hot Toys - MMS168 - Iron Man: 1/6th scale Mark I (2.0)

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I agree that there communication sucks. But thats how there are. Thats how they've always been. Thats how they probably will always be.

One definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

My point is HT isn't going to change. Maybe our expectations should.

Ok not a risk but for sure it's not good business practice I understand delays are part of the business, but provide their respective customers with updates is part of good customer service.

Take for instance the Q4 2012 release schedule I now have to guess what of the 15 figures is comming out on schedule because we all now they can not put out 4 Plus figures a month when the average 2 at most. So a little info is not to much to ask. We can make educated guess based on the previous release schedule but still something offical would be nice.

We can say how we don't like their lack of communication as many ways as we'd like. THEY AREN'T GOING TO CHANGE.
My guess for their lack of communication is that they are probably very very busy...
We can say how we don't like their lack of communication as many ways as we'd like. THEY AREN'T GOING TO CHANGE.

I'm fairly new to this game but it has become abundantly clear to me through the course of conversation that it is what it is...


I guess I was hoping it wasn't really as bad as it seems. Oh well, I have much bigger things to worry about.
I just got an email from SS to make sure that my funds are available for the flexpay of the Mark I. Kinda weird since for the past 4-5 months they just charge it, without any prior email notices.

Does it mean that its shipping soon?
I just got an email from SS to make sure that my funds are available for the flexpay of the Mark I. Kinda weird since for the past 4-5 months they just charge it, without any prior email notices.

Does it mean that its shipping soon?


Would this be your final flex payment? What date is it scheduled to be deducted?
Isn't this Mark I a little poor on accessories?
Just asking.

Wait lemme count...


Oh s**t I missed the pic with the dismembered armor.
I must have it, shame that I can't manage to find an Ex version here.