yeah clearing a space for a figure is basically my first step to caving in

It's like I'm giving myself another excuse to buy the figure, like oh jeez now there's a gap in my collection space that I need to fill

Hot toys is just putting out so many awesome figures so quickly now and most don't appraise like they used to so I'm trying to develop a little more integrity on when I purchase my figures. I suppose I could cheat with this figure I mean heck my user name is predator1221 so ya'll have probably gathered that I kinda like predator, plus this figures first wave ebay inflation cost isn't that bad at $260.00.
I agree. I loved this figure for awhile, but I grew to despise it bc you basically had to keep his head and body hunched down to hide his ridiculous eyes, and narrow face. Yes from certain angles it did scream P2 a bit more than this new sculpt, but I still think many collectors are over romanticizing the ver1 hs a little... or maybe alot.