Hot Toys - MMS173 - Predator 2: 1/6th scale City Hunter Predator Collectible Figure

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This is the current state of my Pred. Changes include:
- leather belt pouch
- leather shoulder bag
-- newly sculpted bones with string wrapping
- leather corrected loincloth straps
- rubbed off black on wrist blades
- tubes added to mask
- shaved down the peg on the netgun (so far the only destructive change I have made)

Most recently not sure it's accurate but I made a tie to hold the skull and spine to the back. I based it on what I think I can see in this image. I used cotton string soaked in paint and really like the way that looks. I might end up replacing the loincloth straps with the same material.

IMG_9687 by dangercorpse, on Flickr

IMG_9690 by dangercorpse, on Flickr

IMG_9696 by dangercorpse, on Flickr
Nice job, looks cool but should the collection of threads stick out like that for the loin cloth at the front?
Also how did you make a leather belt pouch?
As far as making the leather pouches I start with a sculpted form that's the shape and size I want. Usually just made from some Sculpy. I then make a pattern and cut leather to shape and use fabric glue to attach it to the form. After that I apply paints and sanding to weather it.

Based on what screengrabs I have been able to get, I believe the belt's fairly accurate. You can see the straps/strings swaying in several scenes in the movie. Sometimes it's four single strings, sometimes it's a tied bow such as what I have currently.


Also you know what? He appears to have a second belt that the HT figure doesn't have, at least in some scenes. The costume varies a lot from scene to scene and he often pulls out objects he previously didn't have on her person such as the spear or secondary mask.

You can also see them in this promo shot.
Just got mine today. It's a nice piece but I need to do something about the closed mandibles. I haven't opened it completely yet, but it appears mine has two breather masks. Is this normal?
This is the current state of my Pred. Changes include:
- leather belt pouch
- leather shoulder bag
-- newly sculpted bones with string wrapping
- leather corrected loincloth straps
- rubbed off black on wrist blades
- tubes added to mask
- shaved down the peg on the netgun (so far the only destructive change I have made)

Most recently not sure it's accurate but I made a tie to hold the skull and spine to the back. I based it on what I think I can see in this image. I used cotton string soaked in paint and really like the way that looks. I might end up replacing the loincloth straps with the same material.

IMG_9687 by dangercorpse, on Flickr

IMG_9690 by dangercorpse, on Flickr

IMG_9696 by dangercorpse, on Flickr

Awesome photos! :hi5:
Just got this guy, looks great out of the box. The figure is top notch. I'm not a die hard has to be fully accurate kind of guy so he's quality in my eyes. Great work Hot Toys!!
I actually am not particularly diehard about accuracy either. I just like an excuse to do some customization :). That's the aspect I really like about 1/6. It's also why I have no plans to "fix" the mandibles. It's not really something I care about or would have fun doing.
Just got mine today. It's a nice piece but I need to do something about the closed mandibles. I haven't opened it completely yet, but it appears mine has two breather masks. Is this normal?

So did anybody else get two breather masks?

They should be two different masks. One with the face that plugs into the head and one without.
So did anybody else get two breather masks?

didn't everybody?
one is for using on the face. another was intended for recreating the scene where predator finishes breathing from it and growls.

i don't use any because they are sculpted cheap & ****ty anyway.
I don't think two breathing masks were completely necessary, would've rather had an extra gripping (left) hand or something else, I dunno. Just took some pics of my Lost Predator with P2 in the shot so thought I'd share it with you guys.

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didn't everybody?
i don't use any because they are sculpted cheap & ****ty anyway.

What's so "cheap and ****ty" about the masks? They look pretty accurate to me. I guess it would have been nice if the second mask included a little of the interior detail but it by no means ruins the accessory.

This is the actual screen used prop and the HT mask looks pretty spot on in terms of all the details.

I got him on monday and he is bada$$.Dont let the freaks make anyone change there mind on this figure.Open mouth and with bio screams P2
What's so "cheap and ****ty" about the masks?
the quality/detalisation of all armor/details on all new preds.
take the "guardian" mask and this one and compare how deep and straight are the lines on the old one and how everything's melted, bent, shallow on new ones. just do it in hand, not by looking at small photos.
first time it shocked me when i compared P1 armor to Classic armor. especially the shoulder mount and arms armor.
that's a level down.
It's more accurate to the films. It's correctly detailed rather than over detailed.
This is the actual screen used prop and the HT mask looks pretty spot on in terms of all the details.

It's more accurate to the films. It's correctly detailed rather than over detailed.



the old one is shaped closer to the movie, it has all details, it's sculpted better and has better painting.

the new one is too short, its back side has completely wrong shape, its details are melt and bent, and its paint is lame.

you are very into smallest details. if you have them both, you can compare them yourself in full. it's just a completely boring topic to discuss together.
If it's such a boring topic then why did you bring it up?

I agree the old mask does in fact look more accurate but it's one of those things that's only noticeable with direct comparison. I think the new mask is better proportionally in relation to the size of the head. I do think overall the complete package of the new P2 is vastly superior to the previous version. I never even considered buying the previous version because I always felt it looked horrible.
If it's such a boring topic then why did you bring it up?
because you asked.
politeness dictates answering questions if they are not provocative.
I agree the old mask does in fact look more accurate but it's one of those things that's only noticeable with direct comparison.
that was my advice.
take three helmets, compare them side by side and see that the new one is inaccurate almost in every detail while you called it more accurate.
I do think overall the complete package of the new P2 is vastly superior to the previous version.
the mask going with old P2 was horrible. it was a free fantasy.


i am talking about "guardian":
take the "guardian" mask

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i still dont like the fact that the bios have to plug into the face because if you want to have the mask off but displayed you have to worry about the predators big @$$ dentures:slap