Super Freak
I have to admit, I prefer how this looks, to how IM-III hit me. I am one of the bunch that felt that IM-III was mainly nonsensical noise and lights.
Well it happened.
I woke up this morning to look at my CA:TFA figure and his shield had flakes and spider cracks.
I went out and bought some high gloss clear coat and sprayed all my Caps shields now.
It dries in 15 minutes so that's a plus.
It's a cool,low humidity,windy day so I did them outside.
I did 1 coat already,went out and checked it and it was totally dry.
I added the second coat,I'm going to check it in a few minutes.
Then I'll add a 3rd coat.
I hope that's enough to save them.
Is the paint issue only with the cap tfa figures? I only have the avengers version. Did they fix the issue for this one or is it the same shields for all.?
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Perhaps the new Cap figure will have a diecast shield so they can just paint it normally and not have to replicate the metallic look.
Is the paint issue only with the cap tfa figures? I only have the avengers version. Did they fix the issue for this one or is it the same shields for all.?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
I'm guessing the Avengers version will have the same issues.
I clear coated both Avengers shields to be safe.
^what happened to the ab area?
Following the success of my previous post asking for the Iron Man i'm now looking for a HT Captain America Avengers MMS 174.
I'm in the UK so would prefer to buy it from the UK or EU for shipping and tax reasons.
I'm looking for one that is still sealed and never opened in a mint box with the plastic bag, preferably with the original shipper (which can have been opened).
I'm willing to pay a fair price but it has to be below eBay or else i would just go there instead since you won't be paying any fees selling from here. Send me a PM with the details and price. Thanks for reading.