I think he meant more the name of the aliens...
Pretty sure CA using a gun was in the trailer and so are the aliens but sorry if that gave anything away
Captain America is in this movie!? Please use spoilers tags, YOU'RE RUINING EVERYTHING!!!
Ok, you are not a ____smoke man. Sorry, I take it back.
I didn't expect that badass looking weapon to have anything big to do with the story in the movie, but how would I know until you spoiled it for us? I was thinking that Hot Toys added it to the figure because it played its part in the movie, but now I know it doesn't thanks to you.
Edit: Didn't see the smartass comments, it's really not the same. Comparing obvious facts to something we don't know anything about...![]()
Please, use spoiler tags...
Again, a devalued Fiat currency is the reason why we are paying higher prices for gas,food,and toys...The dollar does not have the buying power it once had and looking in through out the past 50-60 years,history shows this.Sure, labor costs go up,but again,only because the dollar does not buy what it used to,which takes more Federal reserve notes to pay for overall costs...Here is a Fact-
Back in 1964,two Silver dimes bought you a gallon of gas (.20 cents a gallon) Today, the Same two Silver Dimes buy you a gallon of gas (plus more)
De-valued,over-printed currency produces higher costs and inflation
Weird choice of accessory, opportunity wasted by HT![]()
I can see that a couple of guns would be fitting with this fig, and may help others accept the price point, but the alien weapon makes perfect sense in light of the movie.
I dont think so
He didnt even shoot aliens with it, you just see him holding it for a nanosecond