Hot Toys - MMS174 - The Avengers: 1/6th scale Captain America Offical Specs and Pics

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Actually, this debate about what 'true freedom' is, and do we actually 'have''s been a damned site more interesting than the ongoing "bad HS" "Body's too wide" thing we've had going off for the last few days.
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They were so "cool" they started doing it in the MU (Black Nick Fury, Cap wearing pouches on his belt as opposed to just a silly black belt), But what do I know....I'm just a younger comic book fan

Comic Cap doesn't suck...Man Without a Country and Civil War prove comment is that a more military looking outfit would be more functional and really sell the idea of his being a soldier (which Ultimate did AND turned Cap into even more of a bad @$$ btw something the writers of the 616 have been doing....I mean look at Bucky Cap).

Nick Fury being black is just a marketing ploy. It has nothing to do with 'coolness'. It's so anyone brought into buying comics from watching the movies feels familiarity. Once the window of garnering movie fans to comics closes, things return to as they once were. You think Hawk Eye's current costume will remain in 616? Don't bet on it; you'll be crying about how you dont like his old costume again soon enough lol
Hey I wanna get this using the flexpay option. But do i have to wait till october to get the since i believe it comes out on september? Never used flexpay before and it says "Final Payment does not include shipping or taxes." Thats why im a lilttle confused. If not then ill just PO and pay it full when it comes out. Can anyone help me out

Hey I wanna get this using the flexpay option. But do i have to wait till october to get the since i believe it comes out on september? Never used flexpay before and it says "Final Payment does not include shipping or taxes." Thats why im a lilttle confused. If not then ill just PO and pay it full when it comes out. Can anyone help me out


If the final payment comes after the actual release date, you can call Sideshow and have them charge you for it so you can get it when it's released. The tax and shipping, if applicable, will be applied at the final payment.
Hey I wanna get this using the flexpay option. But do i have to wait till october to get the since i believe it comes out on september? Never used flexpay before and it says "Final Payment does not include shipping or taxes." Thats why im a lilttle confused. If not then ill just PO and pay it full when it comes out. Can anyone help me out


you dont have to wait till Oct to make the last payment, you can request to pay in full once sideshow gets the figure and it says free domestic shipping but i dont know if thats included with the flexpay option or not.
No, it is a testament to the tremendous influence of The Ultimates on the Avengers film script. Blame Mark Millar for having the vision to make a more inclusive Avengers team.

If you follow our conversation, we're talking about the new black version of Nick Fury in the 616 (normal) Marvel Comic Universe, in which the timing of the addition of white Nick Fury's black son (new black version) and Hawk Eye's Ultimates-ish costume in the 616 comics to the release of Avengers in theatres is obviously more than just coincidental, it's to make it more familiar for the movie go'ers who decide to pick up a comic. :wave
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No, it is a testament to the tremendous influence of The Ultimates on the Avengers film script. Blame Mark Millar for having the vision to make a more inclusive Avengers team.

back in 1977 there was a story arc where the government intervened and limited the avengers membership and forced them to take the Falcon as a member despite the fact he didn't even want to be a member. Hawkeye very effectively pointed out that they were plenty diverse, and that superheroes themselves were in fact a minority. Marvel comics has always been in the forefront of inclusiveness. The X-Men are all about prejudice and the fight for equal rights. Gabe Jones in '63, Black Panther in '66 and Falcon in '69. They have had interracial romance with Iron Fist and Misty Knight. I think Millar's re-invisioning of Fury had more to do with him being a SLJ fan and wanting him to appear more "bad ass".
The Ultimates is obviously used visually and story-wise concerning Asgard, but the characterizations are clearly 616.
If you follow our conversation, we're talking about the new black version of Nick Fury in the 616 (normal) Marvel Comic Universe, in which the timing of the addition of white Nick Fury's black son (new black version)

Actually we were talking about how I felt the movie Cap uniform was a better look than pirate boots and fishscales....

I bought in the Ultimate universe to illustrate that ideas that the 616 is unwilling to try were fair game in the Ultimate universe and they worked well (well some). And since they worked well they were used in the film AND folded in to the 616 universe.

I seemed to have raised your ire by suggesting a change in Captain America. But I will say this if we had to depend on the "authentic 40 year costume only" high and mighty crowd most comic book movies would suck. Bottom line both TFA and the Avengers costume look 100x better than the 616 version IMHO (but then I'm a "young" comic book reader so I what do I know lol). What is the timeframe before you are able to enter into the elite true comic book fan club? Is there a certain number of books you have to have? Do you have to dogmatically hate on any update that appeals to more than a narrow slice of the community? A black Nick Fury has my support...heck what was the old one doing anyway (besides being behind the scenes in Secret Invasion, Civil War, etc.). Plus the 616 could use a nonwhite person and/or female in a postion of running things (especially since the Priest BP was all but ignored).

and Hawk Eye's Ultimates-ish costume in the 616 comics to the release of Avengers in theatres is obviously more than just coincidental, it's to make it more familiar for the movie go'ers who decide to pick up a comic. :wave
Again I think it is more of a functional issue. As a marksman a skirt and pirate boots just don't cut it. Again the Ultimate universe had a Hawkeye that was utilized better than a Green Arrow clone and the 616 slowly followed suit (the Mockingbird/Hawkeye miniseries started it BEFORE Thor came out). If you like garish spandex that's you:clap. BUT if you are selling the point that someone is a soldier or a marksman (or a masked vigilante in Gotham) looking like a disco reject doesn't cut it. It does help that the comics look lie the movie...because in simple economics it will keep movie goers READING comics which is what we should all what so we can keep enjoying comics....unless you have enough money to buy all the comics with pirate boots amd fish scales to keep the industry afloat.:lol
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And since they worked well they were used in the film AND folded in to the 616 universe.


The only reason they're in now is to coincide with the movie release. It won't last. How old is the Ultimates universe? If they were included because they were so cool, you would have seen them in a hell of a lot sooner than 10 years later :rotfl

I seemed to have raised your ire by suggesting a change in Captain America. But I will say this if we had to depend on the "authentic 40 year costume only" high and mighty crowd most comic book movies would suck. Bottom line both TFA and the Avengers costume look 100x better than the 616 version

You don't get it at all :lol

I never said the classic look would work —as is— in films. My problem is the idiots calling for functional and realistic looks put into a universe (616) where functionality and realism take a back seat. Doesn't need to happen like you're crying about.

Again I think it is more of a functional issue. As a marksman a skirt and pirate boots just don't cut it. Again the Ultimate universe had a Hawkeye that was utilized better than a Green Arrow clone and the 616 slowly followed suit (the Mockingbird/Hawkeye miniseries started it BEFORE Thor came out). If you like garish spandex that's you:clap. BUT if you are selling the point that someone is a soldier or a marksman (or a masked vigilante in Gotham) looking like a disco reject doesn't cut it. It does help that the comics look lie the movie...because in simple economics it will keep movie goers READING comics which is what we should all what so we can keep enjoying comics....unless you have enough movie to buy all the comics with pirate boots amd fish scales to keep the industry afloat.:lol

Again on the functional crap. Have you read 616? You talk about realism and bucky cap reflecting it, but he just fought a gorilla that carried a machine gun:slap In what universe does functionality take a priority when you see that? :cuckoo:

Marvel gets a boost from movie go'ers buying comics, but they don't last. Which is why once the hype of the movies calms down, you'll see classic hawk eye again, and they'll probably kill off their new black fury :yess: :rotfl
The only reason they're in now is to coincide with the movie release. It won't last. How old is the Ultimates universe? If they were included because they were so cool, you would have seen them in a hell of a lot sooner than 10 years later :rotfl
I must say I am honored to be in the presence of such an industry insider. I see your doctorate in comixology is being used to good effect...

You don't get it at all :lol

I never said the classic look would work —as is— in films. My problem is the idiots calling for functional and realistic looks put into a universe (616) where functionality and realism take a back seat. Doesn't need to happen like you're crying about.

I never cried....I stated by opinion...and in a fit of purist rage you got on a soapbox. My original statement (which promoted you to get "super fanboy") was that I liked the movie costume and it would be cool/nice to see it incorporated into the comics. The selling point for me is the movie outfit BOTH looks cool and is "realistic" in the sense that it says soldier more the pirate boots...

Again on the functional crap. Have you read 616?
You already called me out on that....according to you there is NO way I could have read 616 (even though I can reference it in its proper context) so why ask a redundant question. Even IF I have read anything 616 I have yet to reach the nth level of comic book understanding and wisdom you possess...and it all comes down to pirate boots. I am both to young and not in the know about 616 but it is an honor to have such a well versed and knowledgable 616 scholar take the time to set things straight. If only more of you guys could post up outside of movie theaters and B&Ns and let casual people know that what they are watching/reading isn't the "true" essence of comic book character X. The public service alone would be a sure fire way to seal your ticket to paradise....

You talk about realism and bucky cap reflecting it, but he just fought a gorilla that carried a machine gun:slap In what universe does functionality take a priority when you see that? :cuckoo:
I said it sold the idea of a soldier and was a more realistic look...and well it makes sense in any universe. We know Star Trek/Star Wars is fake but they still work to sell the idea that is you get sucked out into space without protection you die. A horror movie is fake but when people are stabbed/bite/maimed/etc they bleed blood (movie blood) and not coffee. When I watch a western I know its fake but the people still use guns when having a shootout not banannas. So your "point" is strange. We are expected to suspend belief when reading a comic or watching a movie HOWEVER there is an expectation of some element of reality (which I why people still wear clothes, aren't some strange color, and drees to the occassion). As I have said a few times my point was that I like the movie look and would like to see it in the comic world. More specifically I would love to see Cap trade his pirate boots for combat boots. Hell Cap has had worse to wear in the 90s (but I wouldn't know that because I NEVER read a 616 book....)

Marvel gets a boost from movie go'ers buying comics, but they don't last.
Again with the psychic stuff....any tips for the folks in DC??

Which is why once the hype of the movies calms down, you'll see classic hawk eye again, and they'll probably kill off their new black fury :yess: :rotfl
Yeaahhh. Well you're more than welcome to dream. Hey at least you have plenty back issues to bask in your glory days with the old Nick Fury and classic Hawkeye. So I guess this is what a comic book Tea Party looks/sounds like.....wanting to get back to a "true comic book America" where heroes where all white, wore underwear outside their pants, had pirate boots, and personfied "true American" values.

Anyways: Hot Toys Cap is cool looking and it will be nice to have it on the shelf next to my TFA cap.
Well, I follow the entire discussion an only have some things to say:

- Using the same outfit you use in the 40´s is just stupid.

- Using wings in your head is very, VERY stupid.

- I pray to God every single day to see Cap 616 starting to use the Ultimates outfit.

It would make more sense, the new audience would recognize it better, the caracther won´t be seen as silly as a man with wings in his head and it woul be visually better.

I think Marvel lost a very good opportunity to make this choice after his death and return... Even the Averngers cartoon make the change and put Captain in Ultimates outfit...